I have recently been having one helluva exciting time, both good and bad really.
My car set itself on fire due to my mechanic switching the markings on my battery terminals, so when my battery died and i tried to jump start my car I nearly burnt my hands off and managed to set fire to my battery. This was rather exciting considering it was already about 7 pm at night, I was alone except for another girl and my phones' battery died ago before this(fucking hate blackberries).
But even though I cannot afford to fix my car right now and am in a bit of a pickle I do have some good news.
I was approved for a bursary once again!
Though it is already fucking March and I truly would've preferred the assistance a little sooner I suppose late is better than never. The bursary department wants everything again though and by everything I mean EVERYTHING...My fathers death certificate,proof of my mothers retirement..They want me to do fucking health checks ff's. But I suppose one must take what you can get. Hopefully I wont be stuck in this shit hole much longer.
Ooooooh also I was thinking of doing my gun licence if I could ever get enough money together for it. Any suggestions on something that is compact but reliable?was looking at the Glock compact...Good/bad idea? Also how much could I look to pay for it?
Anyway my lovelies...Goodnight!
My car set itself on fire due to my mechanic switching the markings on my battery terminals, so when my battery died and i tried to jump start my car I nearly burnt my hands off and managed to set fire to my battery. This was rather exciting considering it was already about 7 pm at night, I was alone except for another girl and my phones' battery died ago before this(fucking hate blackberries).
But even though I cannot afford to fix my car right now and am in a bit of a pickle I do have some good news.

I was approved for a bursary once again!

Ooooooh also I was thinking of doing my gun licence if I could ever get enough money together for it. Any suggestions on something that is compact but reliable?was looking at the Glock compact...Good/bad idea? Also how much could I look to pay for it?
Anyway my lovelies...Goodnight!
Either way though all is well that ends well and my little vehicle is up and running again and so am I! Second semester at Varsity is shaping up to be a tough one but challenging is not necessarily a bad thing!
Hope you all have a totally rad Thursday! At least the weekends almost here.