So I haven't written a blog in awhile due to having some issues at home with le interwebz.
But I thought it only fair to let you guys know, my dancing exam was a total bust..everything that could have gone wrong that was out of my control did(I am a spanish dancer so believe me that is a whole lot). My bata decola(dress with a train) wrapped around my ankles and got stuck to the bottom of my dancing shoe, so i had to tear
the dress to get my shoe unstuck while castanets got hooked on the fridge of my shawl...all in all it was just a disaster...
I did however get a bit of a kick in the face afterwards..I went to see some of my friends afterwards who had just attend a friend of theirs funeral..and there I stood with the streaks of tears still running down my face?? Talk about a wake up call.
either way I suppose the point of this is; It could ALWAYS be suck it up, steal what you can and DANCE all the way to the grave.
But I thought it only fair to let you guys know, my dancing exam was a total bust..everything that could have gone wrong that was out of my control did(I am a spanish dancer so believe me that is a whole lot). My bata decola(dress with a train) wrapped around my ankles and got stuck to the bottom of my dancing shoe, so i had to tear

I did however get a bit of a kick in the face afterwards..I went to see some of my friends afterwards who had just attend a friend of theirs funeral..and there I stood with the streaks of tears still running down my face?? Talk about a wake up call.

either way I suppose the point of this is; It could ALWAYS be suck it up, steal what you can and DANCE all the way to the grave.

I cried at my moderation exam yesterday in front of the markers and when I got home I saw posts about a friend of a friend who just lost his brother. Its difficult to get that perspective sometimes but life could definitely be worse