I have a dancing exam this coming Saturday, a dancing show Sunday and a ton of classes+work inbetween.
So obviously when I opened my tap to have a shower and nothing came out, I was a little concerned... Then i realised when I was leaving there seemed to be something wrong with our water meter...well wrong as in IT WASN'T THERE ANYMORE...Thats right peeps, THEY STOLE OUR FUCKING HOUSE'S WATER METER.
I really hate ragging on this country but honestly, Jesus it sucks..I will apparently maybe be able to look forward to a shower in my own home(after getting a case number for reporting it stolen) within 3-5 days..considering shit always takes about double as long as the goverment claims it will take, I will probably having running water by next week sometime..

So seriously, fuck you Zuma, FUCK THE ANC(a party only riding the coat tails of its former members and their struggle) and your ludicrous economic policies that have made the divide between the rich and the poor in SA bigger than it ever was under the fucking apartheid regime.
Well, glad the water meter is back. 

thanks babe