I couldn't live without literature...
Philosophy,poetry,fantasy...anything really....or rather a bit of everything really.
So I have been reading this incredible trilogy called the night watch trilogy by Sergei Lukyanenko. I have totally fallen inlove,its been a really long time since I was incapable of putting a book down (Several walls have been walked into)
It made me wonder though, how many books are there that have profoundly affected my opinions or thoughts consciously? and how many of them have left a mark unconsciously?
Out of all of thousands of books I have read in my life I must admit my holy grail, in terms of having a profound affect on me was a sci-fi novel...though to call it that would seriously underestimate the true worth of the book...It was Dune, by Frank Herbert.
In fact I was soo obsessed, I not only cost my mother a fortune (when I was younger) I ended up spending a pretty penny myself..I even begged my bf at the time to design me a poster with my favorite quote from the series....its called the litany of fear..
I still have it memorized and repeat it to myself in moments fear ..
If you guys are interested:
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."
Was there any fantasy/Sci-fi book that had a profound affect on your approach to life?
Something that even now when you think about it you get chills?
One of those books you read and re-read till every time you approached it you could already smell and see the other world you where going to?Taste the dust?

Philosophy,poetry,fantasy...anything really....or rather a bit of everything really.

So I have been reading this incredible trilogy called the night watch trilogy by Sergei Lukyanenko. I have totally fallen inlove,its been a really long time since I was incapable of putting a book down (Several walls have been walked into)

It made me wonder though, how many books are there that have profoundly affected my opinions or thoughts consciously? and how many of them have left a mark unconsciously?
Out of all of thousands of books I have read in my life I must admit my holy grail, in terms of having a profound affect on me was a sci-fi novel...though to call it that would seriously underestimate the true worth of the book...It was Dune, by Frank Herbert.
In fact I was soo obsessed, I not only cost my mother a fortune (when I was younger) I ended up spending a pretty penny myself..I even begged my bf at the time to design me a poster with my favorite quote from the series....its called the litany of fear..
I still have it memorized and repeat it to myself in moments fear ..

If you guys are interested:
"I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain."
Was there any fantasy/Sci-fi book that had a profound affect on your approach to life?
Something that even now when you think about it you get chills?
One of those books you read and re-read till every time you approached it you could already smell and see the other world you where going to?Taste the dust?

I have re-read each volume at least 5 times.
I feel that the Wheel of time borrowed much from Dune especially Ayes Sedai vs Bene Gesserit, however I still love the world and characters Jordan created.
A book that had me absolutely consumed - though I only read it once - was Druids by Morgan Llewelyn. This book read me in high school and would not put me down (day or night, in class or at home) until the dory was told. It was so bad that if I stopped reading for any amount of time - such as walking between classes - my mind would keep trying to continue the story: what I mean is the little Narrator voice inside my head - usually heard when I read - would be babbling away incoherently until I picked up the book again.
This happened even in the few hours of sleep I could bring my self to snatch, each early AM.
The book is a fiction based on Caesars invasion of Gaul but from the Celtic perspective.