So due to my insane schedule of dancing-studying-working and dancing again I have been sleeping very very little.
I do not know if it is my sleep deprived mind or not but a friend of mine sent me this qoute today and I must say I found it truly inspiring, though what it inspires in my i dont know yet...
So due to my insane schedule of dancing-studying-working and dancing again I have been sleeping very very little.
I do not know if it is my sleep deprived mind or not but a friend of mine sent me this qoute today and I must say I found it truly inspiring, though what it inspires in my i dont know yet...
"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization."
- Sigmund Freud

Hope you get some RnR during your busy time. I actually granted thyself an off day. So, after I medidate suppose Ill have a tecate for a pal and watch the Avengers movie tonight. Your beautiful!

it just seems like insults are more destructive because we dont go stoning each other...this quote would be relevant if he said something like getting a black eye or a bloody nose...but fuck...a stone...that sucks...especially if it was thrown at the i guess freud had a blonde moment