I read this incredibly interesting headline today while waiting at a garage for a man to find a price for the peanutbutter I was buying at the petrol station(He was incapable of finding said barcode or label and then proceeded to inform me I can therefore not buy the product....which of course makes perfect sense
It went something along the lines of(The headline I mean): CASH IS KING IN JAILS..
I couldn't even help but pull my face and and express my lack of enthusiasm but uttering a loud DUH
Have none of these people watched shawshank redemption?American history X?or any other horribly terrifying prison classic that usually involves a lot of butt
I mean for godssakes ,"rehabilitation" is just another word for institutionalization..These people are either so fucked up they cant survive without the system so they continue to go back to jail OR they become even better criminals and come back to the world...yay...
How exactly do people then think their Jailers are suppose to remain immune to corruption??Between death threats and a nice holiday you might say you would pick the moral high ground but dont kid yourself,very few people truly would.
The Prison system,not just in South Africa, but in the goddamn world is WRONG. We are actively creating better,more violent criminals and at an alarming rate.
Also not that this has anything really to do with my Blog but I do somehow feel the end of the song resonantes a message we all seem to be missing....
We are all by one definition or another at some point a criminal, whether we get caught or not is the only real variable.
"Criminal law is the body of law that relates to crime. It may be defined as the body of rules that defines conduct that is not allowed because it is held to threaten, harm or endanger the safety and welfare of people, and that sets out the punishment to be imposed on people who do not obey these laws"
Have you truly NEVER threatened,harmed or endangered the safety or welfare of anyone?

It went something along the lines of(The headline I mean): CASH IS KING IN JAILS..
I couldn't even help but pull my face and and express my lack of enthusiasm but uttering a loud DUH

Have none of these people watched shawshank redemption?American history X?or any other horribly terrifying prison classic that usually involves a lot of butt

I mean for godssakes ,"rehabilitation" is just another word for institutionalization..These people are either so fucked up they cant survive without the system so they continue to go back to jail OR they become even better criminals and come back to the world...yay...

How exactly do people then think their Jailers are suppose to remain immune to corruption??Between death threats and a nice holiday you might say you would pick the moral high ground but dont kid yourself,very few people truly would.
The Prison system,not just in South Africa, but in the goddamn world is WRONG. We are actively creating better,more violent criminals and at an alarming rate.
Also not that this has anything really to do with my Blog but I do somehow feel the end of the song resonantes a message we all seem to be missing....
We are all by one definition or another at some point a criminal, whether we get caught or not is the only real variable.
"Criminal law is the body of law that relates to crime. It may be defined as the body of rules that defines conduct that is not allowed because it is held to threaten, harm or endanger the safety and welfare of people, and that sets out the punishment to be imposed on people who do not obey these laws"
Have you truly NEVER threatened,harmed or endangered the safety or welfare of anyone?
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