To be I am sure you have all noticed..I am not really good at writing blogs.
I seem to have some difficulty puting down into words what is currently going on in my life, and well I am never sure if they should be of a personal nature or not..But there is something I would really like to hear some opinions about..
Sorry in advance, this is gonna be another serious one..
I have noticed a horrifying trend in Hatfield(for those who don't know, this is the student area of Pretoria, it consists of bars and flats mostly).Women who are truly too afraid to go out on their own, not for fear of being mugged or harassed by criminals but by there own male counterparts.
I am talking about young male students who seem to have NO self control and actively intimidate women,harras them or even hit them(I speak from experience due to being hit more than once in my life by a drunken bufoon in a bar, to be fair though I can be rather insulting
)..But honestly, is this an international trend? Has the mindset of western cultures degraded so much that no-one will stand up for a girl alone in a physical fight?

I seem to have some difficulty puting down into words what is currently going on in my life, and well I am never sure if they should be of a personal nature or not..But there is something I would really like to hear some opinions about..
Sorry in advance, this is gonna be another serious one..

I have noticed a horrifying trend in Hatfield(for those who don't know, this is the student area of Pretoria, it consists of bars and flats mostly).Women who are truly too afraid to go out on their own, not for fear of being mugged or harassed by criminals but by there own male counterparts.
I am talking about young male students who seem to have NO self control and actively intimidate women,harras them or even hit them(I speak from experience due to being hit more than once in my life by a drunken bufoon in a bar, to be fair though I can be rather insulting

fuck knows...btw,not trying to justify just saying...atm In SA, being a young white guy is not easy. Like no job opportunities and being treated like a second class citizen can make a few people a bit rowdy.