I don't even...
ANC national executive committee member Ngoako Ramatlhodi caused a legal and political storm late last year when he wrote in The Times that South Africa's constitutional framework reflected "a compromise tilted heavily in favour of forces against change".
So Mandela didn't understand the needs of all South Africans when he condoned the creation of the new constitution?
I assume that's why he got the Noble peace prize right?for being a moron?
ANC and anyone else who would like to change my constitutional rights can suck my dick.
Also because I can, and the poor gallery who had this art piece up got harassed, not only by loyalest ANC members but by our OWN GOVERNMENT.
May there be many more artists in SA willing to fight the good fight and awaken a sleeping populace to their rights being taken from them one at a time.
I don't even...

ANC national executive committee member Ngoako Ramatlhodi caused a legal and political storm late last year when he wrote in The Times that South Africa's constitutional framework reflected "a compromise tilted heavily in favour of forces against change".
So Mandela didn't understand the needs of all South Africans when he condoned the creation of the new constitution?

ANC and anyone else who would like to change my constitutional rights can suck my dick.
Also because I can, and the poor gallery who had this art piece up got harassed, not only by loyalest ANC members but by our OWN GOVERNMENT.
