I got a new bike. A black single-speed machine! 'Tis the sickness.
Friends are coming...Nicole and mas_o_menos.
I love my Lily a lot.
I have a ton of pics from the Bocce ball fantastic that was Bastille Day.
I need a new job.
Pretty Girls Make Graves rule..........
Kaiser Chiefs show was swell indeed.
Karma set was so hot I can't talk about it.
Al is my absolute favorite suicidegirl
Sophie rocks too.
Oh, and starting now, if you don't have a plan for your SG photoshoot, wait it out until you do. Pics of you in your room, I'm over it. Take notes from the eli & mo set cuz it rocked.
Weddind Crashers too good to be true!
Friends are coming...Nicole and mas_o_menos.
I love my Lily a lot.
I have a ton of pics from the Bocce ball fantastic that was Bastille Day.
I need a new job.
Pretty Girls Make Graves rule..........
Kaiser Chiefs show was swell indeed.
Karma set was so hot I can't talk about it.
Al is my absolute favorite suicidegirl
Sophie rocks too.
Oh, and starting now, if you don't have a plan for your SG photoshoot, wait it out until you do. Pics of you in your room, I'm over it. Take notes from the eli & mo set cuz it rocked.
Weddind Crashers too good to be true!
just so you all know, prozach is the best ever and lets me stay with him for a week!