(From my next set, going mup in a month, shot by @acsebo)
I have been absent for a very long time here ! And everytime I thought I could come back and start being active again, something came up ^^' Not bad things, it's quite the opposite.
Begining of 2020, I met someone I thought would remain a friend. But we happened to feel so great together that we decided to try and be in a relationship. Now, it's been almost 6 months since we took that decision and things are going quite fast. We met each other's parents when we were just a few weeks couple, and in July, 15th, we are moving in a bigger appartment, which will be a big step for me as I officially still live with my parents (in fact, I live in his appartment since March, but I didn't change my address). Still, it doesn't feel rushed or whatever, it just feels natural. Just in time.
A year ago, I wondered if I would ever get my driver's licence, since I tried to get for 3 years without success because of a phobia I still can't explain today. I thought I would have to live at my parents' place for at least 2 more years. And I finally found myself comfortable with being forever single. It seems so far away, now !
And I couldn't be happier with how it turned out 😊
I hope you are all doing fine and that you'll find peace, love and happiness on your way, no matter the harships ~
Love, Proxima ❤️