That's actually an old picture and I look like a Weasley on it but I didn't know how to illustrate this blog so...
That's an easy one so I will give a shot
First : The Doctor
And it looks like a joker one because I could be any of them, but I won't choose one. Traveling is something I always have been passionate about but unfortunately didn't do much (and it's begining to change), and if it could be Time Traveling, then it would be double the fun. Also, the Doctor's nature itself reminds me a lot of my own traits : crazy but in a funny way, and always believing everyone can be saved, even the biggest assholes of the universe.
Second : Luna Lovegood
Because she's a Ravenclaw, and she reminds me of how I used to be when I was younger. Head always in the clouds, a very "unique" sense of fashion, and a really weird way to interact with people. I still feel like I'm quite the same, sometimes...
Third : Arya
For the best and also the worst. I have this bad habit of never accepting the fact that I sometimes need help and can't always figure things out by myself... That paired with my talent for pissing people off very easily.
Guess that's all for now !
@missy @rambo