bar bottles...brass ( not my head!!!)
producers of elite ebm/industrial acts...
clove ciggies
so much noize i alll i could do was hold my head and cry
the best dj EVER was there
friends telling me "we have been through alot tonight, I deserve a kiss..." more that that at a later time
tainted love and blue monday on repeat ( ummmm the point was made clear)
telling the attendant at the gas station i am too pretty to kiss him ( gag )
gas stations left and right
dumb bitches in bathroom stalls
bi curious
chips dip and water
cellphones, betty johnson and miss kitten
ft. lauderdale-south beach, miami- cocunut grove area
6 am drunk rides
pissing on the side of the road
i think about you more than is healthy, admittedly.
then prove it
producers of elite ebm/industrial acts...
clove ciggies
so much noize i alll i could do was hold my head and cry
the best dj EVER was there
friends telling me "we have been through alot tonight, I deserve a kiss..." more that that at a later time
tainted love and blue monday on repeat ( ummmm the point was made clear)
telling the attendant at the gas station i am too pretty to kiss him ( gag )
gas stations left and right
dumb bitches in bathroom stalls
bi curious
chips dip and water
cellphones, betty johnson and miss kitten
ft. lauderdale-south beach, miami- cocunut grove area
6 am drunk rides
pissing on the side of the road
i think about you more than is healthy, admittedly.
then prove it

I just talked to her. She lost her password. hahaha