Wno cares?
Running out of their sour mash and from a different Greenbrier..
Whodathunk and whocares?
fuck you all. punks not dead, just smells like it.
Drunk?.....mehhhhhhhhbe. crime?
ok.....fuckyou.I love you. Sonofabitch! Getting under my skin.
Missing you sucks more for me. All I have is a job where no one talks to me because I don't care about the fucking Cubs or eat meat. What is it? The apocalypse? Of course I would eat peo....meat then. Silly hoomans.
Not losing it.
Just loosening it.
--Edited to say...--
This is the best Sour Mash I've had ever. Yes.....Rich git some. It's worth the money.
Pro-Tip....Just a tip.... Kill the neck one night and squinch then let it sit for a week.
Don't think it's love because I help you drink sensibly. That would be silly.
Running out of their sour mash and from a different Greenbrier..
Whodathunk and whocares?
fuck you all. punks not dead, just smells like it.
Drunk?.....mehhhhhhhhbe. crime?
ok.....fuckyou.I love you. Sonofabitch! Getting under my skin.
Missing you sucks more for me. All I have is a job where no one talks to me because I don't care about the fucking Cubs or eat meat. What is it? The apocalypse? Of course I would eat peo....meat then. Silly hoomans.
Not losing it.
Just loosening it.
--Edited to say...--
This is the best Sour Mash I've had ever. Yes.....Rich git some. It's worth the money.
Pro-Tip....Just a tip.... Kill the neck one night and squinch then let it sit for a week.
Don't think it's love because I help you drink sensibly. That would be silly.