On Friday my wife will be 17 weeks prego! I am so excited and can't wait to find out what the sex is! 2 weeks seems like a life time away. We had our second check up and the heart beat was 150 BPM down from 155 from that last visit. From what my wife can find on the interweb a higher heart beat means that it is a girl. We will be happy as long as we get a healthy baby. Sara has started to feel the baby move these past few weeks.
Thinking about Cashmir and hoping that all went well and a speedy recovery. I will miss her when she moves away. We will have to get together for game night some time again.
Next week Sara and I are going to Buffalo on an over night trip. We are driving out Friday and stoping in Rochester at my fav store Hockey World for a new stick blade and hopefuly a new sweat shirt! Friday we are going out to dinner some place nice. Saturday after noon I am playing in a pick up hockey game with some friends at HSBC Arena where the Sabres play. Same ice and everything. I am super pumped for it. Walking the same hallowed halls as many of my fav hockey players. Gives me chills just thinking about it. After we play off to dinner again then back to the rink to watch the Sabres play the Av's. Should be a great time I will post pictures when I get back!
Thinking about Cashmir and hoping that all went well and a speedy recovery. I will miss her when she moves away. We will have to get together for game night some time again.
Next week Sara and I are going to Buffalo on an over night trip. We are driving out Friday and stoping in Rochester at my fav store Hockey World for a new stick blade and hopefuly a new sweat shirt! Friday we are going out to dinner some place nice. Saturday after noon I am playing in a pick up hockey game with some friends at HSBC Arena where the Sabres play. Same ice and everything. I am super pumped for it. Walking the same hallowed halls as many of my fav hockey players. Gives me chills just thinking about it. After we play off to dinner again then back to the rink to watch the Sabres play the Av's. Should be a great time I will post pictures when I get back!
Thanks for the well wishes. Everything went well with the surgery. I'm just really sore right now.
Glad everything is well with you and the wife! I'm excited for you guys! Better let me know what sex it is so I can get her something cute!!!