GUESTIMATE!!!!! I can't stand that word! Why the hell would you make up a fake word, that means the same exact thing as the word it's supposed to be replacing?
"Estimate" already exists! If you're making an educated guess, you are ESTIMATING! If it's not an educated guess, then it's just a GUESS! There is no need for such an assinine word.
And what ever happened to Rock music? Remember when rock was bad-ass? And the Rockers were bad-ass? And there wasn't the same petty drama that the preps were having, except now in black clothes? Who let rock become all pussified?
And another thing, how the hell are you going to let an 11-lead diminish into an 11-10 win?
And changing your teams name from Aneheim Angels to The Los Angeles Angels of Anneheim does not increase your fan base. Winning consistently and playing good baseball increases your fan base.
(I know that the people who actually need to read this already have a hard time following logic, but there is a logical progression here)
if A then B = C, A=B, B=C, then A=C (simple boolean logic, let's apply it Evolution=science. Science=taught in PUBLIC schools. Evolution=taught in Public schools, Otherwise take science out of your public school and then wonder why your kids can't get into college or get a job or work a computer.
again, A then B = C, A = B, B =/= C, therefore A =/= C Creationism/intelligent design=Religion. Religion= NOT taught in public school. Religion=taught in christian school/sunday school.
It's not that hard to fucking figure out.
There's more to rant and rave about, but i've got shit to do. I think this will be a Rant and Rave journal. Feel free to rant and rave about nonsense that's pissing you off too. Maybe if we can put all of our hateful energy into one place it will take on a life of its own and something will explode somewhere.
"Estimate" already exists! If you're making an educated guess, you are ESTIMATING! If it's not an educated guess, then it's just a GUESS! There is no need for such an assinine word.
And what ever happened to Rock music? Remember when rock was bad-ass? And the Rockers were bad-ass? And there wasn't the same petty drama that the preps were having, except now in black clothes? Who let rock become all pussified?
And another thing, how the hell are you going to let an 11-lead diminish into an 11-10 win?
And changing your teams name from Aneheim Angels to The Los Angeles Angels of Anneheim does not increase your fan base. Winning consistently and playing good baseball increases your fan base.
(I know that the people who actually need to read this already have a hard time following logic, but there is a logical progression here)
if A then B = C, A=B, B=C, then A=C (simple boolean logic, let's apply it Evolution=science. Science=taught in PUBLIC schools. Evolution=taught in Public schools, Otherwise take science out of your public school and then wonder why your kids can't get into college or get a job or work a computer.
again, A then B = C, A = B, B =/= C, therefore A =/= C Creationism/intelligent design=Religion. Religion= NOT taught in public school. Religion=taught in christian school/sunday school.
It's not that hard to fucking figure out.
There's more to rant and rave about, but i've got shit to do. I think this will be a Rant and Rave journal. Feel free to rant and rave about nonsense that's pissing you off too. Maybe if we can put all of our hateful energy into one place it will take on a life of its own and something will explode somewhere.
That is so funny and true about guestimate
That is so funny and true about guestimate