Sunday Sep 11, 2005 Sep 11, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email If we could eat any three places today, money and distance being no object, where would you take me and why? (can you tell i'm hungry? ) VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS boxofficepoison: 1. Knapp St. Pizza in Brooklyn 2.Bistro St. Germain in Paris 3. Alain Ducasse in NYC, because I'm never eating there unless money is no object. Honorable mention to Peter Luger. Sep 11, 2005 st_expedite: Excellent theory, Professor Noise. I believe the lad was on E. Hope you all are holding up well. As for eating, I dunno. Probably two places in New Orleans and one in New York. Sep 11, 2005
2.Bistro St. Germain in Paris
3. Alain Ducasse in NYC, because I'm never eating there unless money is no object.
Honorable mention to Peter Luger.
Hope you all are holding up well. As for eating, I dunno. Probably two places in New Orleans and one in New York.