Contemplating Xing my subscription and opting for my own personal webpage for my music. SG has proven a valuable resource... but my own website would probably be wiser. I dunno. Still thinking.
On a completely seperate and completely awesome note,
They've been playing some of my songs at Union Jacks here in Portland. (For those of you outside the area, it's one of the titty bars in town that i "frequent".)
So, watching a stripper take off her clothes to one of your own songs in front of a club full of desperate oglers is an experience... Odd, but i'm absolutely NOT complaining.
On a completely seperate and completely awesome note,
They've been playing some of my songs at Union Jacks here in Portland. (For those of you outside the area, it's one of the titty bars in town that i "frequent".)
So, watching a stripper take off her clothes to one of your own songs in front of a club full of desperate oglers is an experience... Odd, but i'm absolutely NOT complaining.
What's up with that 80's show?