New Persona on my profile.
I'm deleting all my friends who've been grey for too long.
I'll move from the I SGs to the J SGs soon enough.
OK, so i'm watching this guy on some local cable show (Portland OR area) where he gives god lectures.
He rambles on and on and on about grandious nonsense. He's obviously well read and has done a lot of research to the point where he's familiar with many different bibilical languages and seems to think there's amazing god-like powers in simple word derivations.
But this knowledge base is used to an extreme flaw. He starts going on these tangents mid-story about how people's name or religious words were formed up to three times per sentence. It gets even funnier when he makes up his own 'holy-technical-jargon' by merely stringing together a bunch of prefixes and suffixes and word roots till new fancy sounding words are formed.
Sometimes he'll think he's done with a sentence, and then realize he can add some suffixes to the final word of the sentence, and he'll slowly add them on, slowly, as they come to his head.
To top it all off, he gives himself this title:
Dr. Ben-Abraham
-I'm figuring Facili is a root or derivation of Facilitate
-Phono is a prefix that comes from greek that means having to do with the voice
-logical as a suffix (with phono) means knowledge based (-logikos)
-t(a) as a prefix is a chemistry term for tertiary which means of the third order.
-gnostic means pertaining to knowledge
-(c)ator as a suffix is used to mean one who does (as in Eraticator, faclitator)
So he's a "Faciltator by voice of a knowledge base to the third order pertaining to knowledge that he enacts". . .or in a simple common word, he's a fucking preacher!
... HAHAHAHA holy shit, he just called the human brain "paradigmaticalisticological". I can't even fucking start on that one.
I wish you could all come over and watch this guy with me. This extreme example is such an overt way to see the rediculouness in the more sublte methods of god-beleiving. A sort of hyperbole of such. Or should i say a hyperbologicalexamplicativelysubtlificlyremiscgodant?
I'm deleting all my friends who've been grey for too long.
I'll move from the I SGs to the J SGs soon enough.
OK, so i'm watching this guy on some local cable show (Portland OR area) where he gives god lectures.
He rambles on and on and on about grandious nonsense. He's obviously well read and has done a lot of research to the point where he's familiar with many different bibilical languages and seems to think there's amazing god-like powers in simple word derivations.
But this knowledge base is used to an extreme flaw. He starts going on these tangents mid-story about how people's name or religious words were formed up to three times per sentence. It gets even funnier when he makes up his own 'holy-technical-jargon' by merely stringing together a bunch of prefixes and suffixes and word roots till new fancy sounding words are formed.
Sometimes he'll think he's done with a sentence, and then realize he can add some suffixes to the final word of the sentence, and he'll slowly add them on, slowly, as they come to his head.
To top it all off, he gives himself this title:
Dr. Ben-Abraham
-I'm figuring Facili is a root or derivation of Facilitate
-Phono is a prefix that comes from greek that means having to do with the voice
-logical as a suffix (with phono) means knowledge based (-logikos)
-t(a) as a prefix is a chemistry term for tertiary which means of the third order.
-gnostic means pertaining to knowledge
-(c)ator as a suffix is used to mean one who does (as in Eraticator, faclitator)
So he's a "Faciltator by voice of a knowledge base to the third order pertaining to knowledge that he enacts". . .or in a simple common word, he's a fucking preacher!
... HAHAHAHA holy shit, he just called the human brain "paradigmaticalisticological". I can't even fucking start on that one.
I wish you could all come over and watch this guy with me. This extreme example is such an overt way to see the rediculouness in the more sublte methods of god-beleiving. A sort of hyperbole of such. Or should i say a hyperbologicalexamplicativelysubtlificlyremiscgodant?
electronics make good shooting targets
Sounds like you have the materials to start a drinking game!