This is the most amazing thing ever. I mean, on the tower of amazing things, the penthouse is the miracle of life. This is the huge antenna reaching skyward above the rest of the amazing things. NWA's Straight Outta Compton , with ALL content removed EXCEPT the explicit content. CLICK TO HEAR
Aparently I've been tagged. Here it goes.
7 things i want to do before i die:
*Make a substantial amount of money
*Race Cars on a real racetrack, or maybe WRC type shit.
*Have a successful music career
*kill someone, preferably as a sniper
*Be respected in my fields of expertise
*fire some sort of large weapon (bazooka, tank, artillery)
7 things I cannot do:
*speak enough foreign languages (I know minimal italian, spanish, and russian. And even less french)
*be wrong
*stop thinking
*dance at a club without getting hit on by a gay guy
*go against my better judgement
*remain unproductive
7 things that attract me to where I live:
*lots of Music
*Progresive laws/culture
*not destroyed by hurricane Katrina
*amazing geography/nature. Within 1 & 1/2 hours in each direction is Mt. Hood, the cascades, Mt. St. Hellens, Willamette river valley, wine country (tons of Pinot Noir, the Coast, and countless other things.
*Proximity to other major urban areas of Seattle, Vancouver BC, and even California,
*cheaper than NYC
*Most other cities in this country didn't thrill me.
7 things I say most often:
*Nigga Please
*Fuck you
*Shut up
*(in dismay/disgust) Oh my fucking god.
*That's just stupid.
7 books or series I love:
*Catch 22 (Heller)
*Invisible Monsters (Palahniuk)
*Any Vonnegut i've read so far
*Books about SCIENCE!!
*Books about music; music theory; music and how it interacts with our body psychologically/neurologically
*Technical manuals (yes, i read owners manuals for fun. Sometimes i get pissed if they're not technical enough.)
*ummmm, i'm stuck here.
7 movies/dvds I watch over and over, or would if I had time, or old tv because I don't have 7 movies:
*Peewee's Big Adventure
*Pink Flamingos
*The Forbidden Zone
*The Usual Suspects
*Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil Mutant, Hellbound, Flesh Eating, Subhumanoid, Living Dead... Part II, in shocking 2D
*La Vita e Bella (Life is Beautiful with Roberto Benigni)
7 people I want to join in:
Anyone who wants to tag themself?
Aparently I've been tagged. Here it goes.
7 things i want to do before i die:
*Make a substantial amount of money
*Race Cars on a real racetrack, or maybe WRC type shit.
*Have a successful music career
*kill someone, preferably as a sniper
*Be respected in my fields of expertise
*fire some sort of large weapon (bazooka, tank, artillery)
7 things I cannot do:
*speak enough foreign languages (I know minimal italian, spanish, and russian. And even less french)
*be wrong
*stop thinking
*dance at a club without getting hit on by a gay guy
*go against my better judgement
*remain unproductive
7 things that attract me to where I live:
*lots of Music
*Progresive laws/culture
*not destroyed by hurricane Katrina
*amazing geography/nature. Within 1 & 1/2 hours in each direction is Mt. Hood, the cascades, Mt. St. Hellens, Willamette river valley, wine country (tons of Pinot Noir, the Coast, and countless other things.
*Proximity to other major urban areas of Seattle, Vancouver BC, and even California,
*cheaper than NYC
*Most other cities in this country didn't thrill me.
7 things I say most often:
*Nigga Please
*Fuck you
*Shut up
*(in dismay/disgust) Oh my fucking god.
*That's just stupid.
7 books or series I love:
*Catch 22 (Heller)
*Invisible Monsters (Palahniuk)
*Any Vonnegut i've read so far
*Books about SCIENCE!!
*Books about music; music theory; music and how it interacts with our body psychologically/neurologically
*Technical manuals (yes, i read owners manuals for fun. Sometimes i get pissed if they're not technical enough.)
*ummmm, i'm stuck here.
7 movies/dvds I watch over and over, or would if I had time, or old tv because I don't have 7 movies:
*Peewee's Big Adventure
*Pink Flamingos
*The Forbidden Zone
*The Usual Suspects
*Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil Mutant, Hellbound, Flesh Eating, Subhumanoid, Living Dead... Part II, in shocking 2D
*La Vita e Bella (Life is Beautiful with Roberto Benigni)
7 people I want to join in:
Anyone who wants to tag themself?
i love your new pic
how are things going. if you can give me an email or an adress i got some helpful things or i can send you a tape to listen too regarding the astral and the journeying...although, i would stick with the astral projection unless u want a specific area of study...i will gladly send you the script i use or make you a tape though...nly a cple weeks and im certified for hypnosis, yay! Whats new with you? i got that same tag, a cple times, lol

free music always rules