So far so good.... all the teams i wanted OUT of the playoffs are OUT OF THE PLAYOFFS! (IE: New England and Washington)
And how about that.... First Vinatieri misses a FG, and then Vanderjagt misses one (in a dome with no xwind). So much for sure-things, right?
I was rooting for Pittsburg and they won (i almost felt bad about that one for Harrison and Dungy.)
But i think i must decide between the Patriot Killing Broncos and the Steelers. Or maybe i'll just root for the AFC in general, because i said it early in the season, "The NFC will not win the Superbowl this year."
On that note, i do think the SB will actually be a game this year. Not the usual fuckfestblowout that it normally is. I think what i'd really like to see, if for nothing else than what i think will be the best game, would be Seattle v. Pittsburg.
And when are they going to get rid of that stupid worthless Halftime Show?
I don't care about what 'craaaaazy' malignment of 'artists' you put up there on stage singing each other's songs. I don't care about the lasers or the confetti or the stunning videobackdrop.
I don't care about the stupid cheerleaders jumping around like morons. Nor do i care about any of the other stupid shit that goes on at halftime.
And i especially don't care about "wardrobe malfunctions."
All i care about is deciding the fucking NFL Champion through a bout of football.
I guess it distracts all those non-football-fans for a few minutes. You know, the ones who decided to wait for the Superbowl to try and figure out how the game of Football works. Then they try to ask me every stupid question they could possibly think of, DURING THE FUCKING SUPERBOWL! You know who you are.
They're usally the ones wearing brand new apparell from one of the teams that they have no affiliation with. They can't name anyone except the quarterback, the star reciever, and the cliche teammember who's had a terrible life/year and the media champions his cause for these 2 weeks, speuing his name through every fake "in depth analysis".
-You cheer when something bad happens and pretend like something confused you.
-You overly react to hits/tackles that weren't really that hard.
- You get overly excited about not-so-important plays.
-You argue that something isn't fair, even though it's well within regular practices of football, or in the rulebook.
-You spend half the game talking, and the other half the game asking what just happened.
-You can often be heard armchair QBing, and making completely absurd suggestions for what they "should have done".
-You ask, "Wait, what city do they play for again?"
-You can often be found with a look of bewilderment on your face, staring at the game with a slightly cocked head, like when a dog hears a new strange noise.
-You think that when the Ref is talking, it's OK for you to talk. (that's almost grounds for me beating you with a large slab of lumber. . . especially if the Ref is explaining something that you're going to wind up asking me to explain in 30 seconds when you're confused and trying to figure out what just happened.)
-You're the ones who tell me, "Calm down, it's just a game." So why the fuck are you here watching it if you couldn't care less?????
-You're the ones who keep getting us to "turn over to another TV station for just a second. You just want to see something."
Fuck you. No. Find another TV. (mind you, sometimes we have specially set up a TV in every room, including the bathroom, for the SOLE PURPOSE of having the Superbowl on each of them, that way we don't miss a second of the game when we get something to eat or go piss. If that is the case, find another TV somewhere else, and just check your stupid other show somewhere else)
-You're the ones who think of the Superbowl as another excuse to get drunk and party. It's not an excuse to get drunk and party. It's a REASON to get drunk and party. A very good reason. In fact, it's such a good reason to get drunk and party, it's almost a responsibility.
-You're the kind of assholes who will leave a stadium before the game is over, or want to change the channel because "you know who's gonna win." If i even have to explain how wrong this is. . .
All i want to do is watch a fucking football game. An important football game. In fact, after this football game, i can't watch another one for several months until the Yankees are done with the MLB playoffs. So please. I don't mind you going out and doing your stupidbowl stupidness. But please, please, let me and the other more serious Football Fans out there have our day. Please. It's not just me. I'm not too uptight. I can't count how many times i've had this conversation with other football fans. Please. For the love of football.
And how about that.... First Vinatieri misses a FG, and then Vanderjagt misses one (in a dome with no xwind). So much for sure-things, right?
I was rooting for Pittsburg and they won (i almost felt bad about that one for Harrison and Dungy.)
But i think i must decide between the Patriot Killing Broncos and the Steelers. Or maybe i'll just root for the AFC in general, because i said it early in the season, "The NFC will not win the Superbowl this year."
On that note, i do think the SB will actually be a game this year. Not the usual fuckfestblowout that it normally is. I think what i'd really like to see, if for nothing else than what i think will be the best game, would be Seattle v. Pittsburg.
And when are they going to get rid of that stupid worthless Halftime Show?
I don't care about what 'craaaaazy' malignment of 'artists' you put up there on stage singing each other's songs. I don't care about the lasers or the confetti or the stunning videobackdrop.
I don't care about the stupid cheerleaders jumping around like morons. Nor do i care about any of the other stupid shit that goes on at halftime.
And i especially don't care about "wardrobe malfunctions."
All i care about is deciding the fucking NFL Champion through a bout of football.
I guess it distracts all those non-football-fans for a few minutes. You know, the ones who decided to wait for the Superbowl to try and figure out how the game of Football works. Then they try to ask me every stupid question they could possibly think of, DURING THE FUCKING SUPERBOWL! You know who you are.
They're usally the ones wearing brand new apparell from one of the teams that they have no affiliation with. They can't name anyone except the quarterback, the star reciever, and the cliche teammember who's had a terrible life/year and the media champions his cause for these 2 weeks, speuing his name through every fake "in depth analysis".
-You cheer when something bad happens and pretend like something confused you.
-You overly react to hits/tackles that weren't really that hard.
- You get overly excited about not-so-important plays.
-You argue that something isn't fair, even though it's well within regular practices of football, or in the rulebook.
-You spend half the game talking, and the other half the game asking what just happened.
-You can often be heard armchair QBing, and making completely absurd suggestions for what they "should have done".
-You ask, "Wait, what city do they play for again?"
-You can often be found with a look of bewilderment on your face, staring at the game with a slightly cocked head, like when a dog hears a new strange noise.
-You think that when the Ref is talking, it's OK for you to talk. (that's almost grounds for me beating you with a large slab of lumber. . . especially if the Ref is explaining something that you're going to wind up asking me to explain in 30 seconds when you're confused and trying to figure out what just happened.)
-You're the ones who tell me, "Calm down, it's just a game." So why the fuck are you here watching it if you couldn't care less?????
-You're the ones who keep getting us to "turn over to another TV station for just a second. You just want to see something."
Fuck you. No. Find another TV. (mind you, sometimes we have specially set up a TV in every room, including the bathroom, for the SOLE PURPOSE of having the Superbowl on each of them, that way we don't miss a second of the game when we get something to eat or go piss. If that is the case, find another TV somewhere else, and just check your stupid other show somewhere else)
-You're the ones who think of the Superbowl as another excuse to get drunk and party. It's not an excuse to get drunk and party. It's a REASON to get drunk and party. A very good reason. In fact, it's such a good reason to get drunk and party, it's almost a responsibility.
-You're the kind of assholes who will leave a stadium before the game is over, or want to change the channel because "you know who's gonna win." If i even have to explain how wrong this is. . .
All i want to do is watch a fucking football game. An important football game. In fact, after this football game, i can't watch another one for several months until the Yankees are done with the MLB playoffs. So please. I don't mind you going out and doing your stupidbowl stupidness. But please, please, let me and the other more serious Football Fans out there have our day. Please. It's not just me. I'm not too uptight. I can't count how many times i've had this conversation with other football fans. Please. For the love of football.
I'll forgive you.
And I wanna move cause I'm bored here. Y'all up and left me!