so 5-23-05 was an interesting day in northampton. my singer calls me to say she waited on the band RILO KILEY at her job and they put her and two friends on their guest list. we had never heard of them, but she said that they had great vibes and had a lot of fun with her. we went to the show and sure enough we were on the guest list. we saw half of NADA SURF's set and spent the money we saved on tickets on beer. the RK went on and we were like whoa! they were really good. during the encore they said how much fun they had in noho that day and talked about their friend they met named caroline (my singer). afterwards they let us backstage and we hung with jenny and pierre. later we went drinking with their crew and as leaving the bar we ran into jason and blake who invited us on their tourbus. it was such a surreal night! they treated us like rockstars and they were super folks. i just bought one of their records. it's funny what a full moon can do....
did you celebrate well??
b-day was spent not working & eating at my favorite local eatery SITAR restaurant in downtown spfld MA. i love me some spicy indian vegetarian munching...
i cannot wait for mid-january because i'm going to ottawa ontario canada to get a new tat by my man jimmi @planet ink. then on the 25th i leave for LA & SanFrancisco! at 26 i'm ready to get the hell out of western mass. the plan is to relocate on the spring equinox 3-21-06. SF looks like the place to be...i'm jumping out of my skin and ready to go!