so happy new years people!
so far i'm being good and i actually have some things i'd like to achieve this year....resolutions if you will:
- no more eating sugar! ben and jerry's is like crack cocaine to me...
- no more eating before's killing me and my liver...or kidneys...or both.
- no more cigs...i only have like 5 a week, but why have any at all?
- no more beer...or at least on special occasions only, i feel all beer fat after the past 2 months.
- start vaporizing instead of smoking my bud...i just need to go down to venice to get a vaporizer.
- more yoga,meditation and reiki..!
so not too much, but i really have to do these things. i haven't been taking care of my body as well as i know how to and as a therapist i really need to tune my shit up or else i will suffer....
i don't know...06 was some serious heavy shit.
January 06: went to canada and got tattooed, then flew to LA & SF to visit...trying to figure which one to move to.
March: move to SF, thinking it was the right choice.
April-June: tried to get things going in SF, never quite worked (that is, I never worked...) but i did eat a copious amount of psychedelic mushrooms on each and every new moon, while wandering through GG park and the Presidio....i miss that part of SF, but it was weird...
July-October: went to sedona AZ and LA in july, knew that i had to move to in SF is up in november...hung around SF and wrote the up coming CHESS record on my laptop. fly to MA to wrap things up record in studio in NYC w my friend James...drove across the US, did a sweatlodge in SD w my to SF, got $150 in parking tix in 2 days...still haven't paid that deathly ill off of sushi for the 1st time. puked 11 times in 24 hours...was horrible...drove to LA.
November: officially move to CA, LA in particular...go to Vegas for 1st time...didn't gamble, but i did eat those wiley mushrooms again...that was fun...
December: got both of the jobs i wanted! the lesser coffee shop/art house and the greater massage contractor for $$$....finally...i'm so sick of being broke and feeling emasculated by the lack of funds...
so here we are 1/2/ i just have to work work work....but at least the Chess cd comes out in march....
so far i'm being good and i actually have some things i'd like to achieve this year....resolutions if you will:
- no more eating sugar! ben and jerry's is like crack cocaine to me...
- no more eating before's killing me and my liver...or kidneys...or both.
- no more cigs...i only have like 5 a week, but why have any at all?
- no more beer...or at least on special occasions only, i feel all beer fat after the past 2 months.
- start vaporizing instead of smoking my bud...i just need to go down to venice to get a vaporizer.
- more yoga,meditation and reiki..!
so not too much, but i really have to do these things. i haven't been taking care of my body as well as i know how to and as a therapist i really need to tune my shit up or else i will suffer....
i don't know...06 was some serious heavy shit.
January 06: went to canada and got tattooed, then flew to LA & SF to visit...trying to figure which one to move to.
March: move to SF, thinking it was the right choice.
April-June: tried to get things going in SF, never quite worked (that is, I never worked...) but i did eat a copious amount of psychedelic mushrooms on each and every new moon, while wandering through GG park and the Presidio....i miss that part of SF, but it was weird...
July-October: went to sedona AZ and LA in july, knew that i had to move to in SF is up in november...hung around SF and wrote the up coming CHESS record on my laptop. fly to MA to wrap things up record in studio in NYC w my friend James...drove across the US, did a sweatlodge in SD w my to SF, got $150 in parking tix in 2 days...still haven't paid that deathly ill off of sushi for the 1st time. puked 11 times in 24 hours...was horrible...drove to LA.
November: officially move to CA, LA in particular...go to Vegas for 1st time...didn't gamble, but i did eat those wiley mushrooms again...that was fun...
December: got both of the jobs i wanted! the lesser coffee shop/art house and the greater massage contractor for $$$....finally...i'm so sick of being broke and feeling emasculated by the lack of funds...
so here we are 1/2/ i just have to work work work....but at least the Chess cd comes out in march....

If your companion is still interested in SG, hurrah, I'm glad to hear it and good luck to her. If she is not, good luck anyway.