knowing the lightning will come, aiming the bolts at a source may carry the volts. but with this in mind out and about leaving the border, caught in the terror of electrical storms without a base, ungrounded fanatic set loose. bolts richocet from within the shell, a sniper caught on the fence in the darkness.the canvas sets reeling, the paints splatter across the room. fraud in the looking glass creating a monster mirroring and billowing the sweet air of adolescence. but this dual duel splits sideways leaving factions strong and free. the birth this must be free from the shell, away from learning and the wondering double darkness forever wandering. the darkest boxes flung open together when now only the light can feed the unfocused wanderers. not to rot in this cage, not to repeat being crushed by what you already know. this way no longer holds sway and to continue in broken exchange...
but you knew the change. you saw it from afar. the end of the lesson in letting it all go. to aquire the world and to give it away because you grow sad and old repressing it from growth.
so few flowers have blossomed from this garden, only the trunk remains incredibly strong. to strong to wither, though leafless perpetually through the winter. of course the sun to reawake...the only glow to balance the dark. the mirror to complete after the journey in the cocoon, bred in sleep caterpillars sharing the same dream. now with destiny flashing lights to slow before construction. warning pupils to follow discourse.
saturn still controls but the time is right. permission granted: open ended. departure from high school future bound. did you enjoy it while it lasted? what did this experience teach you? what will it mean to occupy a singular secular mind? on the table opened up you told us what you wanted, are you sure you want to be sewed back up?
focused glory bounced back to the galactic center. understood: concentrate on the physical, air has concluded. please be patient for the water/fire portion to begin.
but you knew the change. you saw it from afar. the end of the lesson in letting it all go. to aquire the world and to give it away because you grow sad and old repressing it from growth.
so few flowers have blossomed from this garden, only the trunk remains incredibly strong. to strong to wither, though leafless perpetually through the winter. of course the sun to reawake...the only glow to balance the dark. the mirror to complete after the journey in the cocoon, bred in sleep caterpillars sharing the same dream. now with destiny flashing lights to slow before construction. warning pupils to follow discourse.
saturn still controls but the time is right. permission granted: open ended. departure from high school future bound. did you enjoy it while it lasted? what did this experience teach you? what will it mean to occupy a singular secular mind? on the table opened up you told us what you wanted, are you sure you want to be sewed back up?
focused glory bounced back to the galactic center. understood: concentrate on the physical, air has concluded. please be patient for the water/fire portion to begin.