well today was LEO holy day of the CHESS San Francisco experience. this time we ate the sacred manna on a Leo sun w full moon in Aquarius. for the past 4 months we've eaten on every new moon, to cancel out the moon's heavy influence, but this time we wanted the full moon. Leo sun means a fresh proud boldness for everyone, a healthier ego, but with habits and feelings (moon) on full blast (full) in aquarius (the fool/genius)...the king was feeling especially goofy and silly and light today...
and speaking of the king! we spent 2 hours swimming in the ocean and sunworshipping before it was a mad dash to the zoo to make it in time for the lion feeding...
on our way this hawk followed us for about a half mile. he would fly to the next tree or post as we progressed.

we made it just in time

the magnetism of these animals was unreal. i had never been remotely close to one like this. and remember i was all full of mushrooms while there...they were truly mythic creatures....unbelievable!

here's my new pet. she's a real bold lady. she demands your respect and you better give it to her. i did and she was kind enough to let me take these up close and personal photos.

brace yourself:

oh yeah and the astrology nerd in me had to wonder about this: LEO is in both the sun & saturn right now. that means "the king in prison" basically, saturn being the planet of government among other things...

and what about this picture? the lion (leo) in the red painted room (red=fire/sun) w a yellow globe (which looks much like a solar system model sun) also the ceiling is open to allow the sun (@ 2pm feeding time) to spread down onto the supreme solar creature in the animal kingdom....
the whole place was a shrine that symbolically spoke of the harnessing of the solar energy.
it was sad to see the poor creatures imprisoned, but i settled on believing that these animals are like celebrities. they bear the burden of being the one whose lives are made public and exploited to satisfy the curiousity of people.
so how would i have ever seen the creature so intimately? i can't afford a safari (yet) and just experiencing their energy was terribly uplifting.
next in the SF series will be a virgo new moon in 2 weeks. that ought to be bizarre to say the least...
and speaking of the king! we spent 2 hours swimming in the ocean and sunworshipping before it was a mad dash to the zoo to make it in time for the lion feeding...
on our way this hawk followed us for about a half mile. he would fly to the next tree or post as we progressed.

we made it just in time

the magnetism of these animals was unreal. i had never been remotely close to one like this. and remember i was all full of mushrooms while there...they were truly mythic creatures....unbelievable!

here's my new pet. she's a real bold lady. she demands your respect and you better give it to her. i did and she was kind enough to let me take these up close and personal photos.

brace yourself:

oh yeah and the astrology nerd in me had to wonder about this: LEO is in both the sun & saturn right now. that means "the king in prison" basically, saturn being the planet of government among other things...

and what about this picture? the lion (leo) in the red painted room (red=fire/sun) w a yellow globe (which looks much like a solar system model sun) also the ceiling is open to allow the sun (@ 2pm feeding time) to spread down onto the supreme solar creature in the animal kingdom....
the whole place was a shrine that symbolically spoke of the harnessing of the solar energy.
it was sad to see the poor creatures imprisoned, but i settled on believing that these animals are like celebrities. they bear the burden of being the one whose lives are made public and exploited to satisfy the curiousity of people.
so how would i have ever seen the creature so intimately? i can't afford a safari (yet) and just experiencing their energy was terribly uplifting.
next in the SF series will be a virgo new moon in 2 weeks. that ought to be bizarre to say the least...
Wow! I love big cats, but zoos always make me kind of sad. I wish I could go see some in the wild and not get my face eaten off.