i love how circumstances can just switch on a dime and all of a sudden you can see the path clearly. you just have to Be.
i had the overwhelming urge to go to green apple books today after a long walk. i hate shopping and rarely go to stores unless i need something. i was on a quest for some new reading. i'm waiting for a new teacher of some sort and with the things i'm interested in it's not as easy as picking out this book or that...but the metaphysics section is where to start.
i was there for maybe a half hour, poking through the occult section when some dude with dark sunglasses on appeared. after a bit he suggested that i look over there, pointing to a bunch of books by alice a. bailey. he suggested that i not bother with the black magic (which i was looking through at the time) and that it would only lead me away from the center. i smell bullshit like no other and usually i am leary of anybody's recommendations, but this guy was different. he was one of those people that shows you the way randomly and through synchronicity. sometimes i even end up being that person. you exchange something on the deepest levels even if just for that tiny moment.
i looked through a bit, assured him subtley that i'm no slouch in the intuitive arts, but also showed that i am open to learning. i thanked him for his suggestions and he wished me luck and that was it. he was gone.
so come to find out this alice bailey is right on. i've read snippets and know she's somebody, but had never studied her. so i picked out "esoteric astrology" and "treatise on white magick" which are both heavy duty, chalky metaphysical jargon (which i love)
i also got a book detailing the Thoth Tarot deck (which is awesome)
so yeah, i'm in contemplation mode today...
i had the overwhelming urge to go to green apple books today after a long walk. i hate shopping and rarely go to stores unless i need something. i was on a quest for some new reading. i'm waiting for a new teacher of some sort and with the things i'm interested in it's not as easy as picking out this book or that...but the metaphysics section is where to start.
i was there for maybe a half hour, poking through the occult section when some dude with dark sunglasses on appeared. after a bit he suggested that i look over there, pointing to a bunch of books by alice a. bailey. he suggested that i not bother with the black magic (which i was looking through at the time) and that it would only lead me away from the center. i smell bullshit like no other and usually i am leary of anybody's recommendations, but this guy was different. he was one of those people that shows you the way randomly and through synchronicity. sometimes i even end up being that person. you exchange something on the deepest levels even if just for that tiny moment.
i looked through a bit, assured him subtley that i'm no slouch in the intuitive arts, but also showed that i am open to learning. i thanked him for his suggestions and he wished me luck and that was it. he was gone.
so come to find out this alice bailey is right on. i've read snippets and know she's somebody, but had never studied her. so i picked out "esoteric astrology" and "treatise on white magick" which are both heavy duty, chalky metaphysical jargon (which i love)
i also got a book detailing the Thoth Tarot deck (which is awesome)
so yeah, i'm in contemplation mode today...