it's all about the cat eyes
once again i'm confused about what to do for work in the mean-time. i have no intention of getting a massage job here, because i'm moving to LA in a couple of months. i just can't get situated! i made rent this month and all my bills...but now it's ascetic time until i can find a throwaway job.
i had one on wednesday at this prepackaged sandwich cafe in the financial district. it was Ass easy...but so unsatisfying. i can't pour soups and heat sandwiches...not at this age. fuck! i just feel like a joke. during school it was ok, but now i really really want something satisfying ...also i realized that the cafe is where my psycho ex-boss from corporate coffee goes. now there's someone i never want to see again...this bitch threw my paycheck away when i didn't claim it after a week. all because i missed my last shift....it was on a monday after a crazy weekend and i was decent enough to give a 13 day notice at least. i did it to burn a bridge. fuck that company...it had turned my boss into a monster
i've found more than enough job openings in LA at various spas or massage places. there were far more than in SF. i'm not worried about getting set up...it has just been a question of where to settle. SF is gorgeous, but a wee bit rich for me...not that LA is much cheaper, but at least it's where the illusions are born. i want in on that...
caro is trying to get me a job @ her restaurant: Blowfish Sushi as a busser, host or server. it would be another degrading job...but at least it would be @ a kickass sushi place...they have another restaurant in LA....so maybe that is the path opening up?
i need to get the loan i'm going for to pan out. there is always $ for those willing to go into debt and i'm a master at living both a decadent and ascetic lifestyle...basically food, travel and pot.
hopefully virgo next month will put some constructive work into action. i'm getting sick of limbo.
why is SF so cold in almost august? it is seriously like 50 degrees today!
I am so glad you enjoyed the new Alexsandria Shoot. Check out my journal for behind the scenes.
I made a very, very active choice to not be stuck in my hometown. *laugh*