i keep getting the feeling that things are going to to change drastically quickly. everyday brings me farther out and away from the clutter of everything. no ambition to work for anyone or anything other than what is important. the drone of mundane people going about their business surprises me. they don't understand the change that is coming on. they go on and i seem to remain safely in the abstract.
it's the feeling that you know something for sure, but no one will believe you. because wisdom remains secret, purely because so few look, nevermind actually see it.
i waded through filth all weekend. i went to the Haight Street fair and wandered through the intoxicated masses. it was far more a celebration of drugs than any ideals. it felt sick to me. i of course was just another tattooed glossy eyed oddball...so whatever..it was interesting at least.
after wandering through the crowd i wound up at a secluded house in that neighborhood visiting friends. the owners of the house, a middle aged gay couple were kind to us. they shared their food and pot with my friends and i. something felt very dark about the company however. i thought it may be our uninvitedness that may have been a problem, but far from it. another couple arrived and i started to understand what the darkness was. it was obvious that these guys were all ill. i saw that the latest arrivals were very thin. as it turns out the entire household were all suffering from AIDS/HIV. so instead of us being an intrusion, we were in fact a delightful distraction from the tragic bond that tied these otherwise vibrant individuals together. they were such nice guys... so fucking sad...i could literally feel death in the room.
the next day i spent another few hours down at the SFPD getting fingerprinted for an FBI check for my massage license. i was surrounded by drug dealers, transvestites, sex offenders and violent felons all day waiting in line. one guy accused me and another 'white' guy of cutting in line. this was ludicrous and he was just an ignorant angry individual. i felt pity for him. he said some nasty shit to me as i left, but i just ignored it. i was so pathetically obvioous how small and misled this guy was. i hope i don't have to ever go down there again...
so yeah...

it's the feeling that you know something for sure, but no one will believe you. because wisdom remains secret, purely because so few look, nevermind actually see it.
i waded through filth all weekend. i went to the Haight Street fair and wandered through the intoxicated masses. it was far more a celebration of drugs than any ideals. it felt sick to me. i of course was just another tattooed glossy eyed oddball...so whatever..it was interesting at least.
after wandering through the crowd i wound up at a secluded house in that neighborhood visiting friends. the owners of the house, a middle aged gay couple were kind to us. they shared their food and pot with my friends and i. something felt very dark about the company however. i thought it may be our uninvitedness that may have been a problem, but far from it. another couple arrived and i started to understand what the darkness was. it was obvious that these guys were all ill. i saw that the latest arrivals were very thin. as it turns out the entire household were all suffering from AIDS/HIV. so instead of us being an intrusion, we were in fact a delightful distraction from the tragic bond that tied these otherwise vibrant individuals together. they were such nice guys... so fucking sad...i could literally feel death in the room.
the next day i spent another few hours down at the SFPD getting fingerprinted for an FBI check for my massage license. i was surrounded by drug dealers, transvestites, sex offenders and violent felons all day waiting in line. one guy accused me and another 'white' guy of cutting in line. this was ludicrous and he was just an ignorant angry individual. i felt pity for him. he said some nasty shit to me as i left, but i just ignored it. i was so pathetically obvioous how small and misled this guy was. i hope i don't have to ever go down there again...
so yeah...

That's funny what you said because I have been thinking about getting into tattooing.