wow, new SG
Jupiter Scorpio retrograde: now - 7/5/06:
Jupiter is the Sagittarian planet of learning, wisdom and positive expansion. this planet is now in Scorpio, which is all sex, death and the occult. retrograde means that the power is tweaked due to a skewed perspective of the planet's energy on Earth.
this planetary analogy is telling us all to learn through our darksides. this is how i'ts been lately for me at least. i'm completely obsessed with the occult right now. i've been learning everything i can about aleister crowley, listening to john zorn's IAO('lucifer rising' is the blackest song i've ever heard) and the new tool.
i've also been having very dark and disturbing dreams. for two weeks now i've dreamt every night about me being initiated into mystery schools and being part of bizarre rituals. it's been really creepy, but i've been loving it. i'm not frightened, but completely submitting myself to the darkness in some unconscious way.
i've also been completely obsessed with sex. not love or romance, just visceral, primal, ritual sex. it's not that i'm even acting out these ideas, it's just that only those kind of ideas come to me right now...
all this with the uranus-neptune thing also going on right now (see 2-3 journals ago) makes for an ultra dark, bizarre, dreamy waking nightmare.
i'm lovin' it how about you?

Jupiter Scorpio retrograde: now - 7/5/06:
Jupiter is the Sagittarian planet of learning, wisdom and positive expansion. this planet is now in Scorpio, which is all sex, death and the occult. retrograde means that the power is tweaked due to a skewed perspective of the planet's energy on Earth.
this planetary analogy is telling us all to learn through our darksides. this is how i'ts been lately for me at least. i'm completely obsessed with the occult right now. i've been learning everything i can about aleister crowley, listening to john zorn's IAO('lucifer rising' is the blackest song i've ever heard) and the new tool.
i've also been having very dark and disturbing dreams. for two weeks now i've dreamt every night about me being initiated into mystery schools and being part of bizarre rituals. it's been really creepy, but i've been loving it. i'm not frightened, but completely submitting myself to the darkness in some unconscious way.
i've also been completely obsessed with sex. not love or romance, just visceral, primal, ritual sex. it's not that i'm even acting out these ideas, it's just that only those kind of ideas come to me right now...
all this with the uranus-neptune thing also going on right now (see 2-3 journals ago) makes for an ultra dark, bizarre, dreamy waking nightmare.
i'm lovin' it how about you? obsessed. that too. last couple weeks, that part of my life has been really intense and amazing.
i have been trying to keep in shape. i gave becky a massage on saturday. my hands were tired after just one. so i went out and bought one of those hand strengtheners that rock climbers use so that i can keep them in better shape.