I'm bored, so here goes...
My Life
Moving to the city for a few weeks has got to be the best thing I've done all summer. Unlike RI, there are things to do here. We're _enjoying_ things for a change. I do miss being closer to Boston area; We haven't been in the air in over a week.
I think I'll make a trip later this week and spend the day with my baby. [Update]Why haven't I named my plane yet? That's something people do, right? I just call it 'baby' sometimes. Hrm... Becky? Hrm... Trina? Blah. Suzie? Puh. I'll think of something...[/Update]
Today, we're having lunch with my former secretary; she won't tell me why, but she says it's important. I really miss her, but she was too good not to be promoted; she was qualified to talent search before I even met her, to be honest. She has about 13 years under her belt (literally) in the industry. She performed for fetish films for 8 years and has done high-price escorting for several more.
Have I mentioned how much I like RiGiDBD? ((sigh)) If not for that whole monogamy thing she keeps bugging me about.
I want her to have my babies. It's been too long since I've seen her...
I promise to have her over one day and make her sandwiches. ColbyJack. Wheat bread. All that.
My 'net Life
I really need a new profile pic... I have a few in the shoot, but... they're all... "seasonal," I made this one...
...but it's too large to upload to SG, of course. Not to mention, not very funny.
Sometime this weekend, I as de-friend-ed by someone. I can't figure out who it was, so it obviously wasn't anyone I cared much for. Oh, and speaking of friends lists, my old Degree of Separation page is back up.
I have a new favorite SG to fill the little #5 gap: Sicily. She's very pretty, huh...
I was checking out the unofficial (and rather dated despite the last edit date) LimboGirls list/blog and... wow... there are a few girls who's sets I am absolutely looking forward to. Some of my favorites ([Update]I added their names[/Update]):
Amaya. Eyes.
Twinkie. Her homemade tattoos are hilarious.
And those scrunchy sock things are near-fetish hot.
Villain. Eyes. Among other things.
Lanya. Eyes. (notice a pattern?)
Kirby. Eyes. Eyes. Eyes.
Soma. Too. Fuckin'. Cute.
Stumbleine. She looks like a girl I used to know in HS. Her name as Mellisa Something but I used to call her 'freak.' She had no other friends but I thought she was cool 'cause we were the only Sonic Youth fans there.
LaLa. Her body mods are listed as "bigger tits and ass" ...I wanna see this modified ass. Like... now.
Moulin. I <3 her eyes.
Kenzie. Bootylicious.
Ava. Looks so... prim.
Kerosene. Spooky eyes. Ha.
Saeta. Again with the eyes.
Seska. I'm a sucker for a hardcore Black Flag fan.
Luckie. For the pics in this journal entry.
My Life
Moving to the city for a few weeks has got to be the best thing I've done all summer. Unlike RI, there are things to do here. We're _enjoying_ things for a change. I do miss being closer to Boston area; We haven't been in the air in over a week.

Today, we're having lunch with my former secretary; she won't tell me why, but she says it's important. I really miss her, but she was too good not to be promoted; she was qualified to talent search before I even met her, to be honest. She has about 13 years under her belt (literally) in the industry. She performed for fetish films for 8 years and has done high-price escorting for several more.
Have I mentioned how much I like RiGiDBD? ((sigh)) If not for that whole monogamy thing she keeps bugging me about.

My 'net Life
I really need a new profile pic... I have a few in the shoot, but... they're all... "seasonal," I made this one...

...but it's too large to upload to SG, of course. Not to mention, not very funny.
Sometime this weekend, I as de-friend-ed by someone. I can't figure out who it was, so it obviously wasn't anyone I cared much for. Oh, and speaking of friends lists, my old Degree of Separation page is back up.
I have a new favorite SG to fill the little #5 gap: Sicily. She's very pretty, huh...
I was checking out the unofficial (and rather dated despite the last edit date) LimboGirls list/blog and... wow... there are a few girls who's sets I am absolutely looking forward to. Some of my favorites ([Update]I added their names[/Update]):


Amaya. Eyes.

Twinkie. Her homemade tattoos are hilarious.

Villain. Eyes. Among other things.

Lanya. Eyes. (notice a pattern?)

Kirby. Eyes. Eyes. Eyes.

Soma. Too. Fuckin'. Cute.

Stumbleine. She looks like a girl I used to know in HS. Her name as Mellisa Something but I used to call her 'freak.' She had no other friends but I thought she was cool 'cause we were the only Sonic Youth fans there.

LaLa. Her body mods are listed as "bigger tits and ass" ...I wanna see this modified ass. Like... now.

Moulin. I <3 her eyes.

Kenzie. Bootylicious.

Ava. Looks so... prim.

Kerosene. Spooky eyes. Ha.

Saeta. Again with the eyes.

Seska. I'm a sucker for a hardcore Black Flag fan.

Luckie. For the pics in this journal entry.
so when u wanna smear me up w/ cream cheese?
ur verrrry cute......