Anyone remember the ex-gf I mentioned like two months ago in this post? Yeah, well... this is an AIM conversation from Wednesday night... [Update]I'm ActWithoutReason, btw[/Update]
Now, this is from a girl who's hobbies include windsurfing, long walks along the beach, and hanging up on me mid-sentence. Hm. My neck hurts for some reason... I'm skimming the books... Mmmm... to fill space... 30 Second Reviews... hrm... Saturday.
Koenigsegg's Choose Your Own Adventure! thread is probably the best thing ever posted in the Silliness Board. Easily 13 entire minuets of entertainment.
Update: Personalcandy and tasteofasian went gray today. I'll give 'em the weekend and then it's ((snip, snip))
Update: MsTrouble went gray over night. They're dropping like flies, people.
Does that mean they're zotted or just didn't pay up?