"You're not even my real mommy!"
Okay, I've been back around a week and according to the schedule I set for myself, today's the day for me to post my obligatory old timer's "Why, in my day, an SG and four sillies would all come to your house and tell jokes when you were bored. Wearing nothing but propeller caps! In the goddamn snow!" mini-rant filled with half-truths and omissions. So, here goes...
You know, the place just ain't what it used to be. Ignoring Appreciation Threads for people I neither know nor appreciate, Silliness is repetitive and low traffic, groups devoted to anything outside of "Here are my tits, boys!

Now, with that out of the way... For better or worse, I have nothing planned this week, so... yeah, I'll be on Silliness making people angry, laugh, etc. Monday through Friday. 11a-6p. Eastern. With a two/three hour break for lunch around noon. Join me. Or not. Whatever.
Edit: Post modified to to add a line containing the phrase 'soul destroying' in compliance with the established rules for Anti-SG rants.
Edit: Better make that 11:30a. I like watching The Weather Channel when I'm out of the city.
Edit: Actually, now that I think about it, I'm kinda out of practice so it may be Wednesday or even Thursday before I hit my stride. Just FYI if you're expecting ye olde skool beboppin' and scattin'...
Silliness FTW!!!
I do agree with your assessment of SG in general the past couple of years... Heh I said ass.