I am feeling so overwhelmed with this semester. This has never happened to me before. I am loosing sleep over it, and I wake up having mini panic attacks with lists running through my head of all the things I need to do. It is not the amount of work that is getting to me, it is the pressure and importance behind everything I hand in lately, and all of these needless and expensive exams I need to take. I had no idea so many things would be sprung on me in one semester, and everything needs to be on a deadline, and graded by the department, and put in my portfolio, and scored on a rubric, or scored against my classmates...and on and on. I keep getting mailed things about all the stuff I need to do, just incase I forgot I suppose. I am not sure if I am going to get all the scores I need in time for the deadline date for my preparing to teach portfolio. If I don't get everything in on time, I have to push back student teaching. Yikes, that would be a nightmare. Why do they have to cram so much stuff into one semester! Why do you have to jump through hoops to get a teaching certificate? This is ridiculous. One of my professors actually told my class (after going over what we have to do for a huge artifact on top of what is due for the rest of the semester) to try not to cry in our cars on our way home from school.

So how are things? Any hope of the work letting up? Now that I've had this crit I feel like I'm done, but I really am not. I still have to find a model and do the final peices.