thanksgiving was fun. my vegan lasagna was a hit. kitty is still sick. she hasn't had a normal poop in two weeks even with her medicine, and i've been having to clean up puke every morning. i don't trust her vet, so i made an appointment for her to see a specialist on tuesday. bleh. kitty is still sick. she hasn't had a normal poop in two weeks even with her medicine, and i've been having to clean up puke every morning. i don't trust her vet, so i made an appointment for her to see a specialist on tuesday. bleh.

i thought diet soda wasn't vegan. that sucks about your kitty cat
i hope she gets better soon

Glad your Thanksgiving went well. Mine turned out to be pretty good, ClaudiaJean was in Nashville with her family so I spent the day at my Dad's in MA. I ate Tofurky, everyone else ate carcass. Nobody talked politics so it was a pretty good day. Best news is since I was the only vegetarian, I got all the leftovers! You going to see the Pixies in Lowell?