The 4th was great - it always is. I went to my brother's (as always). Big family cookout. I love getting together with my family. Got there around 1 pm and left around 8:30. Then I went to a friend's house and watched the end of The Princess Bride (I love it...) then City Slicker's (never saw that one). My friend Brian was making and changing plans all day long - go to Boston's Esplanade to see the concert and fireworks / meet others in Narragansett for fireworks - ended up him and our friend Melissa just doing the movies at his place. There were downpours off and on all night. Melissa had never seen either movie. It was nice just hanging with them.
My brother's party is where I got the rum. 140 proof. I drank that Thursday night at Shannon's -a friend of mine from Club Hell. I hung out with her and some friends til way too late in the am (went to bed around 6). Somehow, I was going to drive Angel home - but we made a stop along the way to get something he needed - then we ended up at my place. Angel is fun and out there, but I probably shouldn't have brought him over here. Slept for 4 hours then met Shannon to help her get her car back. Got home around 6. Hit Lili Marlene's for a bit, then grabbed a bite, then went to the Hot Club. Still suffering from lack of sleep. Angel and Shannon want me to go to Hell for Fetish Dolly's show. I don't know - I need to go to work tomorrow!
Last night was at a house party at another friend's. Pool party / bonfire / skinny dipping / back to the bonfire! Got home around 3.
So far today, I've been to the Cape Verdean Festival and South Street Cafe, where I had 3 margaritas. Now I'm making plans for the evening......
Have I forgotten my age - again?
My brother's party is where I got the rum. 140 proof. I drank that Thursday night at Shannon's -a friend of mine from Club Hell. I hung out with her and some friends til way too late in the am (went to bed around 6). Somehow, I was going to drive Angel home - but we made a stop along the way to get something he needed - then we ended up at my place. Angel is fun and out there, but I probably shouldn't have brought him over here. Slept for 4 hours then met Shannon to help her get her car back. Got home around 6. Hit Lili Marlene's for a bit, then grabbed a bite, then went to the Hot Club. Still suffering from lack of sleep. Angel and Shannon want me to go to Hell for Fetish Dolly's show. I don't know - I need to go to work tomorrow!
Last night was at a house party at another friend's. Pool party / bonfire / skinny dipping / back to the bonfire! Got home around 3.
So far today, I've been to the Cape Verdean Festival and South Street Cafe, where I had 3 margaritas. Now I'm making plans for the evening......
Have I forgotten my age - again?
Thanks! Yes, of course it was the last fuse. Silly, silly me.