So, a rather uneventful couple of weeks since my birthday, other than meeting Viithelittlevamp and almost getting shot by a jumpy repo man after a traffic accident to start the shitstorm that was my birthday. So this is just an update for the sake of updating....
...And Now you are an Official Member...I hope you like your Horror RARE, Cause Thats how we do! There is too much to tell you about I indulge you to please read the WELCOME post, as it not only gives ya a lowdown of whats what...but also is a list of events, the chat, and all other fun shit that we have got going down at all times in our Happy L'Il Crevice.
So...Having said that...I just wanna Welcome you once more, WARBEAST, and I hope it won't be too long before we all get to see your Grey-Matter Splatter, and learn just how you like your Fright Fixes!