So, I just finished Reading Monte Melnick's Book On the Road with the Ramones. And I realized just how Important the Ramones were to Rock History. Without the Ramones there would not be half of the bands that are around today, because for the most part all of the bands playing rock nowadays were influenced by the Ramones, whether it was directly, or they were influenced by someone who was influenced by the Ramones. And it makes me proud that I had the chance to not only see the Ramones live on a few occasions, but had the chance to meet and talk with Joey, Johnny, Marky and CJ back in 1992. Strangely enough I met two of my heroes that night, and both of them are dead now. One was Joey Ramone, who, having grown up a tall skinny kid with long dark hair and a leather jacket , I was compared to on alot of occasions, including by my cousin Bob who was friends with the band back in the late 70s. The other was Dennis Danell from Social Distortion. Wow. it seems like all my heroes are dead.......Joey Ramone, Johnny Cash, Dennis Danell. I really need some new heroes. This post has become long and pointless, and no one reads this drivel anyway so I'll stop now.

People do read, it just takes time man. And I hear ya about heroes being dead. But heroes have to die. If they did not die they would start to suck and you'd lose all respect for them. (well of your 3 they allw ent through a suck period but then recovered and then died but you understand my point). The deal is that the music makes them immortal. YOU, and your love of their music makes them immortal. Their physical bodies are gone, but the mark they left on the world, and on your heart, remain.