I've been digging up my old tastes and habits lately. Bought new super storm trooper boots. Bought makeup for the first time in half a decade.

And holy shit, i think i still gots it.

*so excited*

and i'm having a shit-ton of fun so far this year.

I'm having a pretty good 2010 so far.

Just sayin'.

Super stoked.

'bout time.
New Year Update.

So, I'm taking a hiatus from my hiatus (?) for a few days (lol). Mainly, because I want to just post some stuff about the last two months, which have been both exciting and difficult.

I found out that I am indeed showing my senior collection as part of the spring show, so long as I get it all done in time....
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Here's to hoping the next decade will be better than the last. Cheers.

it has to be dammit!!!
I'm trying to approach today as a new day, letting the past remain there, and looking forward with optimism.

Wish me luck.

The holidays are always rough on me. The last few years I've spent them by myself for the most part, and this year promises to be no different.

While I don't want to come across as though I'm whining, I've been dealing with some pretty severe depression as of late, and issues of self worth and rejection. I mean, how many times can you get...
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Anyone in SF wanna hangout? I'm rather bored lately.

No unfortunatley...frownfrownfrown
I am also rather bored lately.
I think i'm the only person in SF who doesn't care about LoveFest... rather, I'm going to stay in today and work on music of my own. ya know, after running a few errands, as it's my day off. woot.
The grass is always greener...
hi kiss