OK, here's the deal...
Nine Inch Nails is playing ON MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY in Fresno (3 hours away). WHO of you is going to buy me tickets as a birthday present and who is going to accompany me to the show?
tickets go on sale this saturday morning, and i'd REALLY like to go... REALLY REALLY BAD.
those who dont know, NIN is my favorite band, BY FUCKING FAR, and i havent seen them since 2000, it's been 5 years. sooo yeah. lemme know what's up.
Nine Inch Nails is playing ON MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY in Fresno (3 hours away). WHO of you is going to buy me tickets as a birthday present and who is going to accompany me to the show?
tickets go on sale this saturday morning, and i'd REALLY like to go... REALLY REALLY BAD.
those who dont know, NIN is my favorite band, BY FUCKING FAR, and i havent seen them since 2000, it's been 5 years. sooo yeah. lemme know what's up.