Ok, so I've really been thinking about my whole self identity thing. I realize a long time ago (and I mean a decade or two) that I'm a huge nerd. After reading some stuff a friend of mine has been posting online lately (thanks Bob-o/Bob Suicide), I decided to lay it all out, and let the world know just how geeky I really am:
I grew up watching StarTrek, going to conventions (SoonerCon and ThunderCon, in Oklahoma City), dressing up as a Klingon when I was like 8. I have a Klingon name. No, you will never know what it is.
I read Batman Comic Books from the time I could read, and my mother dressed me up as Batman for my second or third halloween (I have photos of this somewhere, and yes, it explains all the black clothing and my love of everything stealthy).
I attended the rerelease of all three original StarWars Films (and created a never ending bond with my best friend over these and Highlander: The Series) Speaking of Highlander, my mother bought me Connor's sword for my 19th birthday. Fucking RAD. It hung on my wall for years, until I moved to San Francisco.
My first video-game I REALLY got into was Wolfenstein 3D, and then DOOM, but my brother and I also played through SpaceQuest 1-3 before those even came out (Sierra Games, FTW), along with King's Quest, and Police Quest. In Middle School, my older brother got me into the White Wolf Games 'Werewolf: The Apocalypse' and 'Vampire: The Masquerade'. And here's a fun fact, the name 'Fairaday' that I've used since I was 14 or so is actually a reference to one of my brother's characters in 'Werewolf' (I think, I'd have to check with him).
In high school, when I wasn't working or fancying myself as some sorta wannabe rockstar, I spent MOST of my off time playing StarCraft or Quake 2 with my brother and my closest friends. We continued to have LAN parties up until I moved away, and anytime I go back home, there's always the question: 'Who wants to play StarCraft tonight?'
Since starting college, I gave up a lot of the geeky shit, so that I could at least TRY to focus on school, and what I realized is that my design ethos, my vision, my core values of my art has EVERYTHING to do with my love of science fiction, video-games, and fantasy. I truly have a desire to make the future real, and to make it NOW. I'd start working on a design project and pull inspiration from either ROBOTS, Industrial Design, Futurism, or muthafuckin' BATMAN.
Hell, right now, I've got a Bat-a-rang mounted on the wall above my desk next to a StarCraft 2 2010 calendar, underneath a shelf full of fuckin' toys, models, and a ROBO-PANDA plushy (with a smaller panda in it's head driving). My bookshelf is filled with just as many books on concept and video-game design and artwork as it is with fashion design, philosophy and Art History.
Wow. I'm a huge freakin' nerd. This is who I am. I'm surrounded by all of these things that inspire me, make me laugh, remind me of good times with good friends...
So here's some info on my geek cred:
1. Batman trumps everyone. He can beat Superman in a fight, because he's planned ahead. He's the ultimate tactician.
2. Sorry, Picard is better than Kirk. Maybe it's just because that's what I'm most familiar with. But I DO love both characters, and their actors. Sir Patrick Stewart is one of the best there'll ever be, and Bill Shatner never ceases to astound. 'There's.... some... THING... on the wing! Some... THING.... is out there!'
3. I beta tested World of Warcraft classic, alpha tested Burning Crusade, beta tested Wrath of the Lich King, and I'm very much looking forward to all of the changes for Cataclysm.
4. I also beta tested StarCraft 2. Gaaaaaah... so much fun. I can't wait to go back home and get everyone in on a game at my dad's house again.
5. Speaking of SC2, I ended up buying two copies. The direct download, and then the collectors edition. Because I wanted to DogTags and the Thor in game pet for WoW. and for the Art and Making of Book. and for the Cinematics DVD. and for the soundtrack. and for the giant freakin' box it all comes in.
6. My favorite literature series is DUNE. I've read all but the Chapterhouse Books. And that's only because I've been lazy recently.
7. In regards to literature, I've started reading tons of cyberpunk: SnowCrash, Neuromancer... soooo good.
8. I think that console games are handicapped. Give me a keyboard and mouse any day.
9. In the absence of everyone back home, I've started fraggin' the hell outta my roommate in Unreal Tournament 2004. I'm rather impressed and look forward to upcoming titles of the franchise.
10. Before typing up this post, I was screwin' around and decided to type up an oldschool character sheet like what we'd used back in the day with our WhiteWolf gaming characters... except, this one is for me personally, in real life. Kinda puts things into perspective and really makes me want to improve on certain stats:
Stats: (Most stats of on a 1-5 scale, 1 being most basic, 3 being average, 5 being supernatural)
Strength: 2 (average meh)
Dexterity: 2 (again, average)
Stamina: 3 or 4 (I commit, goddamnit)
Charisma: 3 (I'm pleasant)
Manipulation: 1 (I'm a bit of a push over let's be honest)
Appearance: 3 (I'm ok, I guess good looking, but not stop traffic sorta good looking)
Perception: 3 (I'm pretty aware of what's going on around me)
Intelligence: 5 (I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested)
Wits: 4 (I'm pretty sharp. I roll with the punches)
Alertness: 2
Empathy: 2
Intimidation: 3 "You have an unsettling gaze." lawlz.
Persuasion: 3
Subterfuge: 3
Crafts: 2
Drive: 2
Etiquette: 3
Firearms: 2
Leadership: 2
Melee: 1
Performance: 1
Stealth: 3
Survival: 3
Computer: 2
Enigmas: 3
Investigation: 1
Law: 1
Lore: 2
Medicine: 1
Politics: 1
Science: 3
Mentor: 1
Resources: 2
Willpower: 5 (out of 10)
Merits and Flaws:
Code of Honor (+1 Merit)
Higher Purpose (+1 Merit)
Overconfidence (-1 Flaw)
Phobia (-1 Flaw, Heights)
Common Sense (+1 Merit)
Self-Confident (+5 Merit)
Computer Aptitude (+1 Merit)
Mechanical Aptitude (+1 Merit) (I once removed an engine block from my car, fully disassembled it, repaired it, rebuilt it and had the car back up and running in 8 hours. Hellz yeah.)
Fast Learner (+3 Merit)
Jack of All Trades (+5 Merit)
True Love (+1 Merit)
Art Affinity (+5 Merit)
Reputation (+2 Merit)
So yeah. There's my geek cred.
I grew up watching StarTrek, going to conventions (SoonerCon and ThunderCon, in Oklahoma City), dressing up as a Klingon when I was like 8. I have a Klingon name. No, you will never know what it is.
I read Batman Comic Books from the time I could read, and my mother dressed me up as Batman for my second or third halloween (I have photos of this somewhere, and yes, it explains all the black clothing and my love of everything stealthy).
I attended the rerelease of all three original StarWars Films (and created a never ending bond with my best friend over these and Highlander: The Series) Speaking of Highlander, my mother bought me Connor's sword for my 19th birthday. Fucking RAD. It hung on my wall for years, until I moved to San Francisco.
My first video-game I REALLY got into was Wolfenstein 3D, and then DOOM, but my brother and I also played through SpaceQuest 1-3 before those even came out (Sierra Games, FTW), along with King's Quest, and Police Quest. In Middle School, my older brother got me into the White Wolf Games 'Werewolf: The Apocalypse' and 'Vampire: The Masquerade'. And here's a fun fact, the name 'Fairaday' that I've used since I was 14 or so is actually a reference to one of my brother's characters in 'Werewolf' (I think, I'd have to check with him).
In high school, when I wasn't working or fancying myself as some sorta wannabe rockstar, I spent MOST of my off time playing StarCraft or Quake 2 with my brother and my closest friends. We continued to have LAN parties up until I moved away, and anytime I go back home, there's always the question: 'Who wants to play StarCraft tonight?'
Since starting college, I gave up a lot of the geeky shit, so that I could at least TRY to focus on school, and what I realized is that my design ethos, my vision, my core values of my art has EVERYTHING to do with my love of science fiction, video-games, and fantasy. I truly have a desire to make the future real, and to make it NOW. I'd start working on a design project and pull inspiration from either ROBOTS, Industrial Design, Futurism, or muthafuckin' BATMAN.
Hell, right now, I've got a Bat-a-rang mounted on the wall above my desk next to a StarCraft 2 2010 calendar, underneath a shelf full of fuckin' toys, models, and a ROBO-PANDA plushy (with a smaller panda in it's head driving). My bookshelf is filled with just as many books on concept and video-game design and artwork as it is with fashion design, philosophy and Art History.
Wow. I'm a huge freakin' nerd. This is who I am. I'm surrounded by all of these things that inspire me, make me laugh, remind me of good times with good friends...
So here's some info on my geek cred:
1. Batman trumps everyone. He can beat Superman in a fight, because he's planned ahead. He's the ultimate tactician.
2. Sorry, Picard is better than Kirk. Maybe it's just because that's what I'm most familiar with. But I DO love both characters, and their actors. Sir Patrick Stewart is one of the best there'll ever be, and Bill Shatner never ceases to astound. 'There's.... some... THING... on the wing! Some... THING.... is out there!'
3. I beta tested World of Warcraft classic, alpha tested Burning Crusade, beta tested Wrath of the Lich King, and I'm very much looking forward to all of the changes for Cataclysm.
4. I also beta tested StarCraft 2. Gaaaaaah... so much fun. I can't wait to go back home and get everyone in on a game at my dad's house again.
5. Speaking of SC2, I ended up buying two copies. The direct download, and then the collectors edition. Because I wanted to DogTags and the Thor in game pet for WoW. and for the Art and Making of Book. and for the Cinematics DVD. and for the soundtrack. and for the giant freakin' box it all comes in.
6. My favorite literature series is DUNE. I've read all but the Chapterhouse Books. And that's only because I've been lazy recently.
7. In regards to literature, I've started reading tons of cyberpunk: SnowCrash, Neuromancer... soooo good.
8. I think that console games are handicapped. Give me a keyboard and mouse any day.
9. In the absence of everyone back home, I've started fraggin' the hell outta my roommate in Unreal Tournament 2004. I'm rather impressed and look forward to upcoming titles of the franchise.
10. Before typing up this post, I was screwin' around and decided to type up an oldschool character sheet like what we'd used back in the day with our WhiteWolf gaming characters... except, this one is for me personally, in real life. Kinda puts things into perspective and really makes me want to improve on certain stats:
Stats: (Most stats of on a 1-5 scale, 1 being most basic, 3 being average, 5 being supernatural)
Strength: 2 (average meh)
Dexterity: 2 (again, average)
Stamina: 3 or 4 (I commit, goddamnit)
Charisma: 3 (I'm pleasant)
Manipulation: 1 (I'm a bit of a push over let's be honest)
Appearance: 3 (I'm ok, I guess good looking, but not stop traffic sorta good looking)
Perception: 3 (I'm pretty aware of what's going on around me)
Intelligence: 5 (I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested)
Wits: 4 (I'm pretty sharp. I roll with the punches)
Alertness: 2
Empathy: 2
Intimidation: 3 "You have an unsettling gaze." lawlz.
Persuasion: 3
Subterfuge: 3
Crafts: 2
Drive: 2
Etiquette: 3
Firearms: 2
Leadership: 2
Melee: 1
Performance: 1
Stealth: 3
Survival: 3
Computer: 2
Enigmas: 3
Investigation: 1
Law: 1
Lore: 2
Medicine: 1
Politics: 1
Science: 3
Mentor: 1
Resources: 2
Willpower: 5 (out of 10)
Merits and Flaws:
Code of Honor (+1 Merit)
Higher Purpose (+1 Merit)
Overconfidence (-1 Flaw)
Phobia (-1 Flaw, Heights)
Common Sense (+1 Merit)
Self-Confident (+5 Merit)
Computer Aptitude (+1 Merit)
Mechanical Aptitude (+1 Merit) (I once removed an engine block from my car, fully disassembled it, repaired it, rebuilt it and had the car back up and running in 8 hours. Hellz yeah.)
Fast Learner (+3 Merit)
Jack of All Trades (+5 Merit)
True Love (+1 Merit)
Art Affinity (+5 Merit)
Reputation (+2 Merit)
So yeah. There's my geek cred.