So here's one for the ladies:
What sort of qualities do you look for in a boyfriend/husband/spouse/partner situation? I think this can work for anyone who's gay as well, as I'm sure they're similar things.
I ask this from time to time, as to gauge an overall expectation of how one should act. I know... silly, isn't it? Just something I'm always curious about.
What sort of qualities do you look for in a boyfriend/husband/spouse/partner situation? I think this can work for anyone who's gay as well, as I'm sure they're similar things.
I ask this from time to time, as to gauge an overall expectation of how one should act. I know... silly, isn't it? Just something I'm always curious about.
Not necessary, but vegans/vegetarians. It's important to me and I'll just leave it at that because otherwise i'd go off in a rant about it.
Sense of humor, nice smelling, doesn't have to be a genius [but fuck if id be with a stupid person], honesty
Honesty is most important! if I can be honest with someone and not worry about how they'll view me and/or react then they're a total keeper
animal lover, but that can sorta tie with the vegan/veggie thing
hmm lets see
i dont fucking know. i expect a lot. treat me like a princess.