So, since I'm working on Christmas, maybe I'll see about finding something positive I can do for some less fortunate humans....
Oh, here's a good story from back in the day.....
So my mother is a do-gooder right? Kinda like me, but she's actually likes people, whereas i do not, I like animals..... anyhow....
So my mom gets wind of someone at her work isn't going to have a very good Thanksgiving... mind you this was years ago... sometime in the late '80's...
So the mother-figure loads me up in the car, and we go shopping....for this other family.... anyhow... she stops a few houses down, and tells me to haul all this recently purchased foodstuffs to that house second from the corner.... ring the bell and then run.... (i think she may have put a note in the bag assuring them that we weren't trying to poison them... cos honestly, i wouldn't eat anything anyone left on my porch... but those were simplier days.. right???? )
'hell! I can do that' i said to myself.....
well, as the say.... 'best laid plans.....'
step 1) groceries on the porch (check)
step 2) ring bell.... (check)
step 3) run away!!!!
well... step 3 was going well.. until i encountered... one of those giant metal milk jug things..... in the dark and then pretty much fell into the bushes, and then had to hide there for a half an hour, until the people stopped looking around outside and went back in their house.... wondering if i was trying to trade a turkey, cranberry and some yams for that big metal milk jug......
the end!
Oh, here's a good story from back in the day.....
So my mother is a do-gooder right? Kinda like me, but she's actually likes people, whereas i do not, I like animals..... anyhow....
So my mom gets wind of someone at her work isn't going to have a very good Thanksgiving... mind you this was years ago... sometime in the late '80's...
So the mother-figure loads me up in the car, and we go shopping....for this other family.... anyhow... she stops a few houses down, and tells me to haul all this recently purchased foodstuffs to that house second from the corner.... ring the bell and then run.... (i think she may have put a note in the bag assuring them that we weren't trying to poison them... cos honestly, i wouldn't eat anything anyone left on my porch... but those were simplier days.. right???? )
'hell! I can do that' i said to myself.....
well, as the say.... 'best laid plans.....'
step 1) groceries on the porch (check)
step 2) ring bell.... (check)
step 3) run away!!!!
well... step 3 was going well.. until i encountered... one of those giant metal milk jug things..... in the dark and then pretty much fell into the bushes, and then had to hide there for a half an hour, until the people stopped looking around outside and went back in their house.... wondering if i was trying to trade a turkey, cranberry and some yams for that big metal milk jug......
the end!
if you liked people just a little more i'd ask you to send stories like this to my friend Paul. it made me smile again, i'm sure it would make him smile too.