oh... sorry i understand now... 20 facts about myself...
!) I really wish i would eat more veggies, I find it difficult.
@) I've been subsisting almost exclusively on nuts, and green tea the past week.
#) I live with more animals than is allowed by law is this county.
$) I look for trouble, but often cause it.
%) I've moved across the country (south to north) and (north to south) for women.
^) I have reoccuring dreams of driving my car ... while not being able to see the road, and for some reason not hitting the break.
&) No one will read this but you.
*) I have a lunch date tomorrow at the Smithsonian.
() I never have and never will see the Exorcist.
!)) Cicchitto means beautiful baby... so I've been told... I have my doubts.
!!) I once ate a whole giant cheese cake by myself.
!@) I envy my brother's name
!#) I've done horrible, horrible things... for which I try to atone everyday for.
!$) I rescued all my best friends
!%) Sometimes I envision have a family with all the trimmings... sometimes I think it's just wishful thinking...
!^) I'll do anything twice.... ( i use the scientific method)
!&) Sadly, I do follow professional football.... but not fanatically, I have a life.
!*) I believe in Heaven, and I want to go there when I die.
!() I like porn, probably more than I should......
@)) I've given up on this country
!) I really wish i would eat more veggies, I find it difficult.
@) I've been subsisting almost exclusively on nuts, and green tea the past week.
#) I live with more animals than is allowed by law is this county.
$) I look for trouble, but often cause it.
%) I've moved across the country (south to north) and (north to south) for women.
^) I have reoccuring dreams of driving my car ... while not being able to see the road, and for some reason not hitting the break.
&) No one will read this but you.
*) I have a lunch date tomorrow at the Smithsonian.
() I never have and never will see the Exorcist.
!)) Cicchitto means beautiful baby... so I've been told... I have my doubts.
!!) I once ate a whole giant cheese cake by myself.
!@) I envy my brother's name
!#) I've done horrible, horrible things... for which I try to atone everyday for.
!$) I rescued all my best friends
!%) Sometimes I envision have a family with all the trimmings... sometimes I think it's just wishful thinking...
!^) I'll do anything twice.... ( i use the scientific method)
!&) Sadly, I do follow professional football.... but not fanatically, I have a life.
!*) I believe in Heaven, and I want to go there when I die.
!() I like porn, probably more than I should......
@)) I've given up on this country