Back in colorado. I love the air.
Just got done making my annual pilgrimage to the glacier at the top of the continental divide from which Coors Light flows directly. It was wonderful. I filled up a whole 5 gallon barrell, but i couldn't drink it all so I shared it with a bear on the way down. We had a real good time. I even got him to smoke some with me. Nothin like some denver nuuggets. I digress.
so i'm just bumming around town, hitting up the used record shops (cheapo discs anyone), creepin around my old skateshop, skatin, hikin, biking.
Good contrast to new orleans. I needed a break.
Just got done making my annual pilgrimage to the glacier at the top of the continental divide from which Coors Light flows directly. It was wonderful. I filled up a whole 5 gallon barrell, but i couldn't drink it all so I shared it with a bear on the way down. We had a real good time. I even got him to smoke some with me. Nothin like some denver nuuggets. I digress.
so i'm just bumming around town, hitting up the used record shops (cheapo discs anyone), creepin around my old skateshop, skatin, hikin, biking.
Good contrast to new orleans. I needed a break.