Yeah, I"m a gamer. I've been known to spend an entire weekend in front of a computer for a particularly good game. Especially the "4x" ones (Civ, MOO2 etc). Not so much now that there's a girl in the mix. Good thing I like playing the games that by definition are paused.
China just passed a new law. Online game companies are now required to limit people to 3 hours at a time. Or else you start getting in-game penalties, culminating in resetting your character to start level at 5 hours. A 2-hour break is required inbetween sessions to reset the counter.
But of course singleplayer, offnet games are immune.
Sure, there were recent stories in the news about a couple who went to play at a Cybercafe and left their child unattended in a crib...the child died.
But I think it's really because people playing online games in China do so at Cybercafe's full of like-minded individuals. They aren't just sitting around playing games, these younguns are talking about politics.
And that can't be tolerated.
So, hole up at home with your Doom 3, don't leave the house, lock your kid in the other room anyway which is just as bad if not worse as going out and leaving them unattended, just so long as under no circumstances you discuss politics with your neighbors.
Gotta love a state that has its priorities straight.
Kinda reminds you just how good we have it over here in the states, as often as we like to believe we're being disadvantaged, and that the man is out to stomp on our civil rights. It could be better, sure, but there are people out there living the worse life.
In other news, Civ4 is out, has been shipping two days, and I can't find a copy in the entire bay area that isn't reserved for someone who preordered. Fry's tells me to check back after 4 pm. Every single one. I'm a sad panda.
Why didn't I know that Civ4 was coming out at all until this Monday? Why didn't Sid Meier tattoo it on my forehead?
China just passed a new law. Online game companies are now required to limit people to 3 hours at a time. Or else you start getting in-game penalties, culminating in resetting your character to start level at 5 hours. A 2-hour break is required inbetween sessions to reset the counter.
But of course singleplayer, offnet games are immune.
Sure, there were recent stories in the news about a couple who went to play at a Cybercafe and left their child unattended in a crib...the child died.
But I think it's really because people playing online games in China do so at Cybercafe's full of like-minded individuals. They aren't just sitting around playing games, these younguns are talking about politics.
And that can't be tolerated.
So, hole up at home with your Doom 3, don't leave the house, lock your kid in the other room anyway which is just as bad if not worse as going out and leaving them unattended, just so long as under no circumstances you discuss politics with your neighbors.
Gotta love a state that has its priorities straight.
Kinda reminds you just how good we have it over here in the states, as often as we like to believe we're being disadvantaged, and that the man is out to stomp on our civil rights. It could be better, sure, but there are people out there living the worse life.
In other news, Civ4 is out, has been shipping two days, and I can't find a copy in the entire bay area that isn't reserved for someone who preordered. Fry's tells me to check back after 4 pm. Every single one. I'm a sad panda.
Why didn't I know that Civ4 was coming out at all until this Monday? Why didn't Sid Meier tattoo it on my forehead?
Got my copy of civ4 today.
I feel weird in the checkout aisle at game stores.
Like Mel Gibson's character in _Conspiracy Theory_, what was it, Jerry something?
That scene where he was buying a copy of _Catcher in the Rye_ just to feel "normal."
At least I don't refuse to let go of the box.