I'm afraid to fly in aeroplanes because I don't want to die like that. I don't want to die random in a fiery unconscious wreck. I am a control freak. I want control. Mostly of my own destiny. I like people and if you are flying with me I'll probably come talk to you if you look at me in line because I don't want to die alone, even if we've only known eachother for less than an hour and we're only flying 30 minutes north. I fall in "Love" with too many people but never seem to give my heart to anyone? Contradiction? I'll find the beauty in anyone.
Honesty is always very sexy. Just like you admitting Clooney is hot. Very sexy.

flying is not so bad...and not to mention you could die at the hands of someone else at any moment...ps I fly quite a bit n so far only delays
I do the same about talking to people on planes ...close quarters what else can you do