On this day, maybe my last,
I grasp all before me in my
conscious grip.
For moments, you slip away
but the thought of never
seeing you again,
and the terror,
brings me back
to the light of your love.
The only fear
I am allowed
is disavowed and dissolved
by the never-ending rain
that emanates from you,
Your divine essence
the only job I can think of being paid for awesomeness would be stripper or whore... I'll look into the first one... and may need to borrow your assless chaps.
Running out of gas, no key to the gas tank.... Standing in a dirt park surrounded by 20 plus sonic and flourescent visual onslaughts to the senses; in the dark wearing sunglasses.... Playing on a stage overlooking the second biggest city in the United States whilst a thousand of screaming sweaty burners work-it-out to thumping beats...oh yeah, and did i mention rainbow pants with suspenders?... Read More
PHEW! Crazy clown pants and four rollercoaster rides in a row later and....the cover shoot for the next REVOLT mag is over! I survived but me bum's a little sore...check it out if you can(comes out wed. in SD)....crazy house of mirrors....the yellow submarine....who am i again???
EXCITED.....Vokab Kompany photoshoot down at Bellmont Park this afternoon....wondering if I should dress like a crazy alien or just put on a gorilla suit....hmm....If I didn't do what I loved, I wouldn't love what I do! Today is a beautiful day everyone, enjoy it, tomorrow may never come!
Well....here were are in October again.....other people in this country are enjoying: Falling leaves, changing colors, cooler weather, the ability to come outside again and still remain beautiful and pale...and here I am...in my coastal desert home and all I can think of is....October wildfires. Great...i'm crossing my fingers until this whole thing is over and trying not to get burnt. Wish us all luck... Read More
And I know things get worse before they get better. But I'm sick of falling down... it's been going on for awhile. I wish I'd just hit rock bottom already.
The stretching does hurt so I can only suggest doing it straight after a hot shower and not to stretch too quickly otherwise it gets all infected and icky Other than that it looks so awesome!! YAY!
Another adventure begins,
a journey of a thousand steps.
Promises, promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep.
Did I offend the devil? Or was it God?
I once wished for an end to all of my boredom,
the tricksters who listen to twisted wishes
granted me this one.
Sleep: now only a distant memory
Home: merely the place I rest my weary... Read More