wow it's been a good bit.... really really busy with work, and my new Motorcycle lol.. it feels really good to be up on top again, a tad more weary that bad mistakes can put me right back at the bottom... it's strange in the past three months I've just gone through the most amazing changes, and I feel I've just grown up so much... good things are coming my way and looking forward to The alamo city tattoo and art expo...
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 27, 2012
Back to the daily grind woooo ducks working outside in triple digit h… -
Monday Jun 18, 2012
Finally vacation coming this weekend long overdu... Gonna be heading … -
Saturday May 19, 2012
Looks like another 80 hour week geesh I'm super tired, but knowing w… -
Tuesday May 15, 2012
wow it's been a good bit.... really really busy with work, and my new… -
Sunday Jan 22, 2012
What fuckin week, sick as a dog uh and my baby momma is a t total bi… -
Sunday Jan 15, 2012
well after a 54 hour work week I got me a good relaxing weekend much … -
Saturday Jan 14, 2012
ahhh this Texas weather is Bitchin, so what better reason to have a c… -
Tuesday Jan 10, 2012
oh gee wizz it's tuesday? haha it's kinda chilly working outside, sup… -
Monday Jan 09, 2012
I work very hard even though it's Monday I'm good to go glad to be he… -
Sunday Jan 08, 2012
Grilling some ribeyes with some good friends... Beer me! : )