dayyyyumm I really don't blog much haha.. life has been really good, I've got my health which in turns helps me live life to the fullest with My family.
I just finished summer school and antsy for fall semester to get up and going , I've got 1 class left to complete my second certificate in HVAC.
Also started rucking 3.6 miles to my gym...
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Finally back at it let my account lapse and just now getting around to renewing my membership. hell I'm 8 weeks away from finishing school got work and just been spending time with my daughter.. Lots of cook offs this year Rodeo Houston was a blast but that's it missed everyone
Pet peve!!! suicide girls who don't keep an updated blog!!!! I mean to get in To groups and whatever it's a requirement and yadda yadda, but it's like if you go pink you have a duty to your fans who got you there to stay on and current,if you can't you should be required to submit again. I just see so many girls who are...
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down and out :/ I hate feeling like this. I know it happens and I know when I've gotten knocked down I got back up swinging, just having a tough time getting up. I also know things will get better but it just a matter of when
well Had a great couple of days out in the woods ended up drinking a lot of more than anticipated so I missed a couple morning hunts but it's all good. but did a little wild life management Fo Sho
Well got the truck Loaded down and headed for the woods to Relax, drink some cold beer by the fire, and kill some pigs and if the right one shows some venison. hope everyone has a great weekend be careful. Much love and a special shout out to the sweetest lady on SG "Ravina"
Well what a good weekend, Friday and Saturday were filled with BBQ for a fund raiser good cooked 30 briskest with sides.
And today we celebrated the birth of my daughter, I can't believe she is 3 life and time are precious and you must always savor them.
And lately I've been thinking about getting a different bike, been looking at these what do y'all
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Well it's been a funky past couple months around the beginning of august I really began havig marital problems both sides to blame, SG was a big issue so I decided to jump ship if it made her uncomfortable I was trying to make things work and I wanted to really focus on her. Well we did our therapy it was mostly good few bumps....
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