Now You Are Ready

Stop for just a moment and think a pleasant thought. Relax your mind, your body and your spirit. Find a moment of joy in the beauty of being, right here, right now. Put aside your concerns for a little bit. Experience the depth and wonder of your own existence.

Realize that in this very moment you have everything you could possibly...
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Ability and Commitment

Greatness most often results not from extraordinary ability, but rather from ordinary ability followed through with extraordinary devotion. Commitment, depth of passion and clarity of purpose will elevate even the most ordinary, mundane efforts into the realm of truly great achievement.

Exceptional ability is a wonderful gift, though by itself it won't get you very far. More important than ability are desire...
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A Decided Advantage

Working every moment toward an objective is far more productive than waiting until the last moment to get started. Progressing steadily gives you a decided advantage over catching up frantically.

The farther in advance you begin to make a difference, the more you're able to leverage your time and effort. Over time, modest efforts can add together to bring big results. Start...
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Make it So

You know what it is you wish to accomplish. Today is the time to make it so. The moment you hold in your hands right now is the link between intention and reality. This day is the arena in which life can be lived and dreams fulfilled.

How long have you wished, how intently have you imagined what the world could be?...
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Because of that post you are one of my new favorite ppl!! THANK YOU!!!!

If you didnt write that where did you get it??
Being Creative

We often think of creativity as producing works of art or literature, as the act of expressing things in a profound and different way. Yet creativity can be a part of every moment.

Thoughtfully responding to situations, rather than mindlessly reacting, is a powerful form of creativity. Seeing the beauty in every detail of every day is a completely creative way to live....
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OK,so it's official.I am an eye freak. Just look at my favorite Suicide Girls and you will see it's true.I always suspected it,but this confirms it.

OOOh, i`m one of your favourites!

party? where!?
Ok,so I've been officialy a member for about a week now,and I have to say I love it.However,if I had to criticize one thing is that it is alot harder meeting people than i anticipated.I know,I know I need to put myself out there more ,right?Please tell me any tips you have or if you just wanna leave me a wink to know that I'm...
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Hi I'm Professor Orange,or Shawn if you prefer. I am a 29 year old drummer/allround musician/artist.I am
single and am looking for a girl who will teach me how not to be so serious all the time.
Thanks for the friend request!!!
I look forward to talking with you!!
And welcome to SG... smile
thanks for thefriend request..and i`m one of your faves!!! blush