Today was an amazing day. I got to sleep in. I got to have homemade breakfast with my brother and my niece. I got to have lunch with my lovely friends Misty and Christy. I got to visit my old work, which made me nostalgic but happy to have come so far. And there is only more goodness to come.
Tomorrow I get to ride my bike that I washed and cleaned to hold a staff meeting at work. A visit from our practice coach and my life coach. Who is amazing and I get energized just by being around her. Then we are going to lunch to discuss "things".... including whether I want to keep my job or not. I am on the fence. Then laundry and general hanging out at home with my kitty.
Saturday I have to attend a swanky dinner party for Jason's work. Good food and good wine has been promised by GoWings. I have no idea what to wear. I am pretty sure there will be pearls involved. And potentially heels.
Sunday I am going to the bay to see the amazing brainiac Glassheart graduate. Likely I will see the typical rowdy trouble making crowd aka ThrottleBitch, BellJar, Subrosa and Necia. There will be screaming and general rowdiness and most likely a lot of laughter. The deep belly shaking kind. And some yummy vegan Thai food has been promised as well.
Monday I am going back to the bay to take GoWings to play golf. Then off to hang out with Glassheart on her first day of true freedom. Then we will pick Jas up and head over the SF to meet up with the aforementioned rowdy crowd to see the SF Giants vs. Detroit Tigers. Immediately after the game, GoWings and I are heading the airport to catch a redeye to Detroit. A day in Ann Arbor and then a week in the sun at the lake.
Then back to reality of work. That is perked up considerably by the thought of Pride, which is the weekend of the 25th-29th. I am hopefully going to meet some awesome out of state members of GGO and do a lot of giggling. Perhaps some flirting to prove Glassheart wrong.
What is in the plans for your weekend?????
EDIT: Friday at 8:08am.
Holy shitballs. I just realized in light of Glasshearts graduation this weekend, that I have been a university graduate for over 5 years now. I am kind of reeling now.
Tomorrow I get to ride my bike that I washed and cleaned to hold a staff meeting at work. A visit from our practice coach and my life coach. Who is amazing and I get energized just by being around her. Then we are going to lunch to discuss "things".... including whether I want to keep my job or not. I am on the fence. Then laundry and general hanging out at home with my kitty.
Saturday I have to attend a swanky dinner party for Jason's work. Good food and good wine has been promised by GoWings. I have no idea what to wear. I am pretty sure there will be pearls involved. And potentially heels.
Sunday I am going to the bay to see the amazing brainiac Glassheart graduate. Likely I will see the typical rowdy trouble making crowd aka ThrottleBitch, BellJar, Subrosa and Necia. There will be screaming and general rowdiness and most likely a lot of laughter. The deep belly shaking kind. And some yummy vegan Thai food has been promised as well.
Monday I am going back to the bay to take GoWings to play golf. Then off to hang out with Glassheart on her first day of true freedom. Then we will pick Jas up and head over the SF to meet up with the aforementioned rowdy crowd to see the SF Giants vs. Detroit Tigers. Immediately after the game, GoWings and I are heading the airport to catch a redeye to Detroit. A day in Ann Arbor and then a week in the sun at the lake.
Then back to reality of work. That is perked up considerably by the thought of Pride, which is the weekend of the 25th-29th. I am hopefully going to meet some awesome out of state members of GGO and do a lot of giggling. Perhaps some flirting to prove Glassheart wrong.

What is in the plans for your weekend?????
EDIT: Friday at 8:08am.
Holy shitballs. I just realized in light of Glasshearts graduation this weekend, that I have been a university graduate for over 5 years now. I am kind of reeling now.
Find me on AIM and we can discuss things. If you could come to the lake, that would actually be pretty cool. I'm all about distractions.